So here at Div school, we have parties. Big school sponsored parties. Because we're woefully nerdy, these parties are called "The Fatted Calf
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So I've decided that I am a real grown up, and as a real grown up, I should have a real bed. Like a big, fluffly, warm, cuddly, happy, did I mention big bed
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Can't sleep of late. Have been moving grumpily to the couch half way through the night. Then waking up the whole night, before the alarm goes off, unable to get back to sleep. It sucks.
Annoyingly, I've begun to use the abbreviation "Xian" for Christian while taking notes in class. It's a long word, and we have to use it a lot! But boy do I hate Xian.
I am wearing my pink and red stripped socks, and it makes me happy as a clam.