Apr 23, 2009 23:13
Mom sent me some old soviet movies on home made DVDs and they would not play on my computer. Using Toshiba DVD Player, the program says "some coeds are not available to play this video". What the hell are coeds and where do I get them? They are AVI clips, the movies that is. What can I do??
UPDATE: All works. Thanks, guys!
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Comments 6
You have several options:
1. Buy a new DVD player that understands the language
2. Upgrade firmware in your DVD Player
3. Play movies on computer (http://www.xpcodecpack.com)
who cares what codec is :-)) kite-b - just buy a new player that supports DivX! it would be cool if it could support H.264 also (this is the most modern codec that is used to encode HD-video)
try differnt free dvd players you can find online... like VLC media player
Я ищу либо surf-station, совмещенный с отелем, пляжем, инструкторами и прокатом :), либо просто отель в неплохом городе рядом с хорошим пляжем. В плане серфинга я новичок, поэтому желательно, чтобы волны были попроще. Как ты думаешь, с чего начать и где искать?
Заранее огромное спасибо! :)
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