Any comments will be greatly appreciated.
The theme for this week is: Every family has its secrets
Genre: Fiction
Rating: PG/PG 13 - Could potentially be disturbing
Word Count: 451
All secrets are deep. All secrets become dark. That's in the nature of secrets. - Cory Doctorow )
Comments 5
She probably should have gotten a decent A/C unit like everyone else. Then nobody would have figured it out... God, I'm bad!
Great job!
Great idea with the breaking news!
Let's being with specifics. (corrections are in brackets):
-Instead of knocking on the door[,] as he had done at countless other homes,
-At first glance, the small farm house located at the end of a gravel driveway, hidden by trees along a curving stretch of FM 371 [,] would seem right at home on the cover of a home decorating magazine. "farmhouse" is a compound word. Also, this is a compound sentence and should be broken into two smaller and more manageable sentences.
-Freshly painted and bearing a picturesque porch[,] complete with his and hers rocking chairs, it would be easy to imagine a dog lazily sleeping as an elderly couple chatted the afternoon away. You can omit "lazily" or move it after "sleeping". Also, it is inadvisable to end on a preposition, so "away" should be moved to before "the".
-As soon as the officers entered the premises[,] however, the house went from the stuff of dreams to nightmar[ish].
-Seated upon a couch in the living room, facing an old, flickering television set, ( ... )
It's just a thought, though.
Hello, I'm your ROARer for the week. My first time doing this, so I'm not at all good at growling!
This is really something else! Wonderful use of the prompt! Creepy and bloodcurdling and - oh dear it could happen somewhere... somehow - very very atmospheric. Poor mad Melinda.
Your editor has said what I may have quietly growled, and the whole piece is - most enjoyable, (and here in the UK one of the most likely Tabloid Newsrags to have printed it has just closed down, thank goodness. They loved stuff like that!)
Good work, good idea, Good Thinking Batwoman!!! best wishes.
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