So I stayed up all night last night reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. 8-9 hours later I was done, fell asleep for ~ 2 hours, and then got up and puttered around. Surprisingly I'm not as tired as I might have thought I would be.
Anyway, spoilers:
All in all I enjoyed the book more than 5 & 6, but I was still a little disappointed. There was too little of many of my favorite minor characters - esp. Remus - until the very end of the novel. There was too much wandering around confused and full of doubt Harry/Ron/Hermione, then punctuated by extreme Mission Impossible type action sequences. The whole Dumbledore's past plotline, while engrossing and basically the entire reason I couldn't go to sleep, was also creepy and disturbing. Finally, the whole thing felt like old news. I'm not even that heavily into fandom anymore, and I already knew many of the "surprises" in the book. I wish that the book had been able to surprise me more and keep me guessing.
Besides reading that and not getting any sleep last night, my dad and brother brought me a washer/dryer today that my dad got used from a colleague. He'll have to come over again tomorrow to change the electrical cord so that it's compatible with the outlet in my laundry room.