Got pulled over for doing 50 in a thirty last night at 10:15 when I was supposed to be at hannaford for 10... The cop actually let me go because of my Kerry/Edwards bumper sticker!!! He supposedly helped campain (can't think of how that's spelled for the life of me...haven't slept) for Kerry in NH. Thank you John Kerry and John Edwards!!!!!
have I mentioned lately that I hate snow? how about winter in New England in general? Or maybe cold? On the plus side I'm not getting snowed in anywhere but here if this keeps going because I don't have to work (or maybe Bill's place cuz I owe him some sugar) ;D
Yay haunted houses :) gonna be at denny's later again... I've missed that place but first we're going to the haunted house in salem which I've promised myself I'd do for the past like 5 years