Title: Always Alone
Author: Anestel
Email: candiedinago@hotmail.com
anestelWriting Community:
kits_candy_landGenre: Super Junior
Challenge Link:
http://community.livejournal.com/kits_candy_land/38036.htmlTheme: 044. Rejection, Eunhyuk/Eunhyuk
Rating: PG
Warnings: angst
Disclaimer: I do not own Super Junior.
Summary: Hyuk Jae will always be alone
Beginning Notes: Comments are always appreciated. After a few days I lock my fics down but all you need to do after that point is JOIN
kits_candy_land and you do NOT have to watch which means the posts won’t show up on your friends list unless you want them too.
Word count: 305
Hyuk Jae had never been loved. He’d always been alone. He had plenty of friends of course, but that was one thing, someone in your bed when you go to sleep is a completely different story. He’d watched every guy and girl he liked hook up with someone else, someone better than himself. A few times he had actually confessed and most of the time he had been turned down with a pitying smile, though a few times the other person had chosen to humiliate him. Was it always going to be like this?
His eyes searched out the mirror on the other side of his room, reflecting the sadness, the lonely image of him curled in a fetal position on his bed. He wasn’t an emo person, and usually he didn’t dwell on these feelings of loneliness, but his heart had been broken yet again. This time, he had thought he was so close, he had been sure they liked him; they even kissed him, touched him like he longed for, but it was nothing but a joke to them it felt like.
He could still remember the feel of their body curled in his arms, their face nuzzling into his neck as they fell asleep. Hyuk Jae couldn’t shake the image or the feel of their lips pressing to his, their hands curling into his shirt, pulling him on top of them…He’d fallen for it just like they wanted and the next morning they were gone. Words of desire, wanting forever forgotten by the liar, it had only been a deception to get what they wanted for a night. He was only good enough for one night and he would always be rejected in the morning if not before.
Hyuk Jae knew he would always be alone.
The End
A/N: :/ D: Comments are appreciated.