Title : Waterproof [One-Shot]
Genre : Romance/Fluff?
Rating : PG-13
Pairing : 2min
Disclaimer : I only wish I own them. RAWR.
Summary : Taemin was curious as to why Minho was wearing the jelly bracelets he always wore, and decided to find out why.
Notes: Hee. Heehee. xD
“De, hyung, why do you wear that all the time?”
Sitting in their dressing room with books sprawled in front of him as Minho tried to study for his college entrance exams, his attention was distracted when Taemin suddenly plucked at the black entwined bands he wore around his right hand. It was a jelly bracelet, or so everyone said. Then again, people also called it a sex bracelet. But Minho was more inclined to think that he wore it just for fashion’s sake. Taemin though, apparently wasn’t having the same idea.
“Do you know, hyung, my schoolmates who saw you wearing this said that if someone were to break it, you’ll have to do whatever they ask you to?”
By then, Taemin’s voice was turning in to its excited pitch, and Minho didn’t know if he should facepalm or seek out whoever who told Taemin that silly fact and smack the guy in to the wall. Taking a deep breath, the elder male laid his pen down.
“No, Taeminnie. It’s just a bracelet I wear because I think it looks nice, and also since its waterproof, I don’t have to keep taking it on and off. That’s all there is to it.”
Darn, well that was disappointing. And here the maknae had thought he could finally have a chance, or at least a reason given to him on wanting to kiss Minho. Not that he wanted to take advantage of his hyung… okay maybe he did, but he was going to scare the daylights out of Minho if he just did that, wasn’t he? Scrunching up his face as Minho returned his attention to his books, Taemin frowned as he leaned back in his seat.
“Hyung, but what if someone does break that bracelet? And insists that you kiss her?”
“I hardly hang around anyone else, Taemin. And the ones I do, I trust them enough not to make me do something I don’t want to do.”
“Oh.” A smirk grew slowly across Taemin’s cheeky features. Leaning forward, the slender male hooked his fingers underneath Minho’s bracelet, much to the elder male’s surprise. Unable to resist the urge of staring in surprise, the usually stoic male tried to arrange his disarrayed thoughts. What was Taemin doing? If he wasn’t hallucinating, was the younger male trying to break the jelly bracelets he twined around his wrists?
And here he thought he’s always been the only one fantasizing about the slender, slighter male. How could anyone not want to wrap your arms around such an adorable looking kid? Minho always had to force himself to look away whenever either Jonghyun or Key was teasing their youngest member. There was just something about how Taemin walked, laughed, moved even, that Minho just couldn’t resist. Yet the fear of scaring him away made him hold back, always holding back.
And now? His eyes blinked in shock, as Taemin struggled a little, before finally breaking the two entwined bands he had around his wrist, a cheeky smirk curling his lips upwards as he turned his gaze to focus on the elder male’s shocked look.
“I broke it hyung~” he announced, in a sing-song voice. And for a second, all Minho could do was just stare, stare for a minute that seemed like an eternity, before he shook himself out of his trance.
“S-so?” the rapper managed to sputter out, books and utensils all but forgotten on his table, his attention focused solely on this young dancer whose always managed to entrance him. “D-do you want an-anything?”
“Mhhhm, of course I do! Why else would I break it?” he chirped up happily, grinning in delight. Minho’s heart went a mile a minute in his chest, a silence settling as he waited anxiously for Taemin’s reply. The younger seemed intent on torturing him though, putting up a show of him thinking, before finally grinning brightly in Minho’s direction.
“I like you a lot, hyung. I always did. So you can’t reject me now! My request is, that we give ‘us’ a shot. Just a try, and if we don’t work out, you can always call it off. But you must try, first.”
“… You’re not asking for a kiss, at least?” he retorted, incredulously. Taemin shook his head.
“I don’t want to have to ask for one. I want it to come willingly.” He murmured his last words, and leaned in closer to place his right palm over Minho’s heart. “I want it to come from here.”
In a split second, Minho had closed the space between them as fast as his body would allow, and clasped his lips around the younger male’s own, tasting the scent he had been dreaming of since the first day he had met the slender dancer. The kiss lasted for an eternity, yet at the same time was over too fast, pulling back only when he felt he should at least give the other male some air.
“I want it to come from the heart.” Taemin murmured, almost dreamily when his eyes slowly blinked open, his gaze still hazed over from the sensual kiss Minho had pressed on him. In response, the elder male smirked, and leaned his forehead against the others. “Oh, it definitely came from the heart.”