real life won/wins over all

May 10, 2010 19:45

ages passed since my last post... my will of writing and my freetime are totally missing...
after my graduation in december I started studying no-stop and took courses in bologna for passing DELFB2 (french) exam in february and it went good, then german goes, so now I'm going twice a week to bologna and twice/once to my teacher's home for preparing ZertifikatB1... my head is completely full of german... everyday I do exercices, write letters, read book in german and listen german songs to the point that thinking/writing in another language is almost impossible...

I seldomly can go to internet and when I do I spend several time on facebook chatting and co. with my friends... I've to say I'm going out with very good people, I found again old friends and I knew new ones who are nice... we're a good group...
lately we have problems with 2 persons who usually go out with us,  one is the classical man who believes himself to be the nicest/hottest/smartest/most clever/blah blah/ man in the world with any talent and tortures everybody with his stories, the other is a girl who has some mental problems (she lives in her own world, she often say nosenses and believes she's the most beautiful and trendy girl in the world so everybody can't help but love or envy her).
if with the first our plan is simple and easy( = ignoring and stopping to inviting him), the girl is hard to manage 'cuz she's unforeseeable: one day she's in a good mood, another not, or several times during evening she had suddenly changed attitude and started to scream, cry and worse... we really don't know what to do with her... 

more pleasant things = manga and co. (because yes, I have less time, but I n-e-e-d to fangirl at least once a week ^______-)

I cant-cant- cant believe it's going to end! latest chapters were soooo epic!
before: mustang in berserk mode due to envy and epical royai moments( = 1° please colonel, don't go where I can't follow, 2°I have no desire to live a happy, carefree life all alone...when this battle is over my body will leave this world together with the corps of flame alchemist unaccettable, I wont lose you too 4° etc, etc, etc... and in the italian edition these phrases' translation was horrible =_____=)
then: halfkilled !risa for convincing roy to open the gate and I passed a thrilling month
next month: the HUG scene 
then: the blind colonel (agh!)
then : father imprisoned god
then: hoheneim in action! and may is cool and citizens in father's body start rebelling!
and father tries to destroy everything but elric family stop him
then: scar kill bradley
and fight with father continues
last month: some izumi/sieg funny moments (poor roy!) and ed who won pride
and father is a bastard who continues attacking everybody with horribles tricks

yesterday I found this month chapter (not translated but images were epic anyway) and it was written that in july issue (out next month) there'll be the LAST chapter!
I know that arakawa sensei doesn't disappoint us and will show us a good ending but it's soooo sad to think about it! goodbye my montly and so waited chapter, goodbye my beloved colonel and his cool lieutenant, goodbye elric family, armstrong family, ling/greed, lan fan, winry, izumi, etc, etc, etc (anyway, all arakawa characters really rocks, especially girls!)
[EDIT] I changed my icon, I finally have a royaiicon!!! ^____________________^
this is Gabzillaz's chapter 107 review, this girl rules!

ps. obviously I'm also watching the anime and it's amazing! I love the 2nd ending song "let it out"  (here the complete song) and I love all the scenes added by animators! (and armstrong family members animated are priceless!)

only one thing: damn you konomi, you really KNOW how to make me spend money... yes I bought shin teni volumes, pair puri, tenipuri new manga edition (and bonus pages with little mangas and new illustrations are *_________________*) , etc, etc, etc.... 

life, fma, shinteni, manga, anime

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