Response to Recent Events

May 29, 2007 23:36


Pornish Pixies has been suspended for incest fic. Because, apparently, writing fiction about something=PROMOTING ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES. You'll also notice that the communities/people targeted are writing about fictional SEX rather than fictional VIOLENCE. Because targeting murder mystery/thriller/serial killer writers would be silly, but targeting people who write about equally fictional illegal sex acts makes perfect sense.

Fandom is a literary community, and fandom has been targeted. Therefore, it is extremely important, I think, to draw analogies from the world of institutionalized literature, and show that fictional depictions of incest/underage/what have you is not something that can be safely dismissed, constructed as limited to a few fringe lunatics in the bizarro-world that is fandom. Incest, and illegal sex (whatever that means in a given context) in general, is a theme that has fascinated writers since time immemorial, and there has been a LOT of fiction -- serious, silly, pornographic, etc. -- that has dealt with these themes.

What I want, here, is for y'all to list every single piece of published fiction you can think of with ILLEGAL SEXUAL ACTIVITIES, like incest or underage sex. Great Books of the Canon are of course good choices, but don't neglect the genre fiction, either. Also, list the illegal sex acts contained therein. It might sound kind of esoteric, but it will, I think, be a handy starting place, to be able to point to the sheer NUMBER of published texts -- published without fuss, freely available in bookstores and libraries (or on the 'Net, for old stuff), and in some cases, taught in schools -- that contain the very same fictional sex acts that are being targeted by the would-be fiction police. I want a HUGE-ASS list of stuff for everyone to be able to reference. While literary precedent isn't everything, having access to a metric assload of fiction that contains exactly the same "crimes" will help shore up arguments about the ridiculousness of this crackdown.

I'll start, with a few off the top of my head:

The complete works of V.C. Andrews: incest, underage sex
Lolita, Vladimir Nabokov: underage sex
It, Stephen King: underage -- barely pubescent! -- group sex
The Magic Toyshop, Angela Carter: incest
"The Company of Wolves," Angela Carter: underage sex, quasi-bestiality
"The Heart of the Forest," Angela Carter: incest, underage sex
Fool for Love, Sam Shepard: incest
Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare: underage sex (Juliet is 13/14)
Laon and Cythna, Percy Shelley: incest
The Cenci, Percy Shelley: incest
My Secret Life, Anonymous (an extremely important work of Victorian pornography): you name it, it's in there
Mathilde, Mary Shelley: incest
The Oedipus plays, Sophocles: incest

Have at it, and feel free to pimp.
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