
Apr 02, 2009 22:45

I am not sure what to think.

On the one hand:

1) I do not have hardcore boundary issues regarding TPTB/fandom. Maybe it's because all my time in the participatory fandom community has been on the Internet, but I really, really think that assuming or idealizing some gigantic abyss between us is wishful thinking. Our stuff is, by and large, *publicly available on the Internet.* TPTB has a vested interest in seeing what people are saying about their show. SPN fandom at large -- WINCEST fandom -- is not *at all* difficult to find. (What IS difficult is finding the good stuff, but that's true for ANYTHING one reads.) The fantasy that we somehow fly under the radar is just that -- a FANTASY. They may not know MY particular fanfics, or YOUR particular fanfics, but they know. Welcome to the Internet! I'm not saying that people have no business feeling whatever they want, not at all; just, that, I don't think that certain assumptions about TPTB's level of knowledge are entirely realistic.

2) musesfool argues that this is a *far* more affectionate swipe at fandom than other shows -- say, those run by Aaron Sorkin -- have done. Also, giandujakiss points out that the very nature of the jokes indicates that they've got a good in-depth working knowledge of fandom, and that that leads to "kinder and more in-joke ribbing" rather than outsider sneering. Or, as she puts it, "So here, the show was poking fun, but you can't have that kind of knowledge of tropes without reading a lot of fanfic, and that means that they aren't that horrified - that they're having fun with it, too."

3) Apparently, the "sympatico" they snarked on was the one who got the Broyay thread at TWOP shut down? If that's true, that is HELLA subtle. And completely undermines "that's sick!"

3a) Also, Dean going all jealous!boyfriend when he found out about Sam fucking Lilith. This ep really did center around "inappropriate sex partners," didn't it? Oh, wait, like just about every other time Sam thinks of having sex!

4) AHAHAHA DEAN CRIES ALL THE TIME. And Sam's little face at that moment!

5) The not!fight in the diner was HILARIOUS.

6) While I had problems with the depiction of the fangirl (see below), I LOVED that she was genuinely concerned that they weren't just looking to snark on "my boys." That was sweet, and recognized that fans are just as protective of the characters as the creators are.

7) Castiel! While I LOVE Misha, I am deeply ambivalent about Castiel and his role on the show. But here, he ROCKED. Sneaky little fuck! *thumbs up* Also, "You should have seen Luke." Hee!

8) Sam is STILL lying to Dean, but this was a fun brother-love episode, with the squabbling and the protectiveness and Dean telling God to fuck off unless the angels help Sam.

9) Fabio!Sam will never not be funny. And HA, Laudromat!

On the other hand:

1) Fuck the Wincest editorializing. It would have been WAY funnier if they had just *looked* at each other. It's not like it hasn't ALREADY BEEN DIRECTLY SUGGESTED in canon. MULTIPLE TIMES. I hear there's even an academic article about it!

2) Wow, that fangirl had CRAZY EYES. I totally get that they must see a LOT of crazy -- hi, con reports! -- but why is the show's only declared fangirl so freaking histrionic? (I loved Pamela, and loved when -- was it Kripke or Sera? -- said she was an avatar for fandom, but that wasn't exactly *obvious*.)

3) This show has enough creepy gender issues without piling swipes at their primarily female fandom on top of it. While I think that they have every right to comment on their fandom if they wish, and agree with musesfool and giandujakiss that it was intended to be affectionate, that "affectionate" felt a bit like the "affectionate" of a bad pickup line from some random dude at a bar, at best, and a pat on the ass from the same random dude, at worst.

4) Gospel of Winchester? What the fuck ever.

*looks over lists* So... on the whole, I guess I liked it? I think?

Also, everybody should totally read chash's hilarious and BRILLIANT coda. Spoilers, obviously.
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