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Aug 01, 2020 12:33

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☆ ★ ☆ My Ultimate Ichibans ☆ ★ ☆

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jung yonghwa, nishikido ryo, ueda tatsuya, seo joohyun, !masterpost

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Comments 69

a_k_k_h_n May 11 2011, 08:39:52 UTC


kitsune_hikaru May 11 2011, 10:28:29 UTC
lol~!! are u sure u flail over the right person?? *looks suspiciously*

*slaps forehead* oh yes, u're not really a ryo fan... :P


a_k_k_h_n May 11 2011, 21:02:50 UTC
hahha no :P
Ueda comes before Ryo to me *O*


sakurascorpion May 14 2011, 20:37:45 UTC
HAHAHA I love the way you think XD


kitsune_hikaru May 15 2011, 00:31:03 UTC
the way i think??
this is just a larking post for a friend, dear~~ :P


lilly0 May 20 2011, 15:18:17 UTC
Ryoooooo!!!! My ichiban XD
Woah, it's so cool that we both like some same guys... Ryo... Jinnnnnnn XD and of course some of the others XD And oh dear... you like Versailles and Alice Nine? I love them too... *is also a j-rockfan*

Wait, you like RyoUchi?
Finally I found someone who likes them too! XD

JinDa is cool too!


kitsune_hikaru May 21 2011, 04:01:23 UTC
haha... i just edited the OTP part a few days ago coz most people mistook my OTP since i love most ryo n ueda pairings... lol~ n mostly when they knew i love ryo n ueda, they conclude my OTP as ryoda... well, i love ryoda too, just not my OTP... since ANY pairings with ryo or ueda would work for me, n i DIDNT lie when i say that, lol~~~ XD
but ryouchi n jinda r still the BEST for me... i never saw them smile as genuine as when they were around each other... *whine* mouuuu~ i miss them already~~ T_T

u love versailles n a9 too?? OMG this is AWESOME~!! XD
kamijo's voice is just divine, i love it~~ n shou~~ ♥♥♥
*hugs u tightly*


dead_dimension January 17 2012, 07:48:52 UTC
You seem familiar somehow.... by any chance are you Halaa Dalili on fb ?


kitsune_hikaru January 17 2012, 10:44:22 UTC
yup, that's me~
do we by any chance know each other in fb?? what was ur username??


dead_dimension January 17 2012, 10:58:16 UTC
So I was right then! XD
Keisuke Mitsushide desu~~


kitsune_hikaru January 17 2012, 11:30:37 UTC
aaah, now i know~~ XD
never thought it was u~ :P
i'll be adding u then~ ^^
ur icon is ♥


yamapi_luver4 June 3 2012, 22:43:34 UTC
hey hey!!! a bit hyper now so this may be a little strange

RRRYYYOOOO!!!!! one of my faves!!! otp - ryopi

UUUEEDDDAAAA!!!!! newest interest

lets see... who else did i notice that i like???


JJJIIIIINNNNN!!!!!!! my newest love!!!! hes fighting with ryo for #2 on my list of faves!!!!!!

tegoshi... has a wonderful voice... and is very good looking (but i like the boy tegoshi better than girl tegoshi. and i hate his blonde hair)

k8 is good too!!! good thing they have ryo or i would have never gotten into them just noticed the song you have in the post is what im currently listening to lol

utada hikaru! i like her japanese songs better than her english songs, but i like her still

NEW KAT-TUN FAN!! FEEEEED MY KAT-TUN LOOOOOVE!!!! *begs* already have kissmegreen enlisted, but i think she could use some help ^^ ok i just want someone to help her cause i want more KAT-TUN love in my heart

more about me in my intro/welcome post on my journal

add me please??? *puppy dog eyes*


kitsune_hikaru June 4 2012, 10:59:09 UTC
*cough cough*
Too much shouting~
LOOOOL~ Just kidding~ XP

I hate Tego's blonde hair too... .______.
LOOOL~ But I still like his voice~ And Massu's~ I love TegoMasu especially when they reach the high pitch together~ ♥♥♥

Oooh, you're listening to Baby Baby~ ♥
I believe Eito has lots of good songs, they are good composers, y'know~
Utada Hikaru is one talented singer and composer~ I always love her piece~ Well, I'm bias, but I love both English and Japanese songs from her~ LOOOL~ XD

A new KAT-TUN fan??? YAY~!!! *throws confetti*
I.... Dunno what's new with KAT-TUN now... ._______.
LOOOOL~ I thought they're coming with a new single~ And hey, Ueda's gonna cast in a new drama again~ ♥
What suddenly got you into KAT-TUN anyway?? :3

Of course, I'll add you, my friend~ *goes to add you*


yamapi_luver4 June 5 2012, 03:03:55 UTC
hahaha cough drop? *holds out bag*

they do and are, but they do have some songs i dont like... not TOOOOO many, but some. then again, its impossible for anyone to come out with songs that are all liked! so i dont know why i had to mention that... uuuuuuuugh im babbling now!!!

oh its ok, just as you hear about it you let me know! and it doesnt HAVE to be NEW stuff; i dont know much about them so old stuff is good too!
uhh... well... hmmm... my bff had some of their music (she only likes a few of their songs. she doesnt claim to be a fan at all... what are we called again? hyphens? is my newbie-ness showing???) and i decided to try them. i liked it ( ... )


kitsune_hikaru June 5 2012, 14:00:23 UTC
Eww, that's gross... *dashummm* LOL~ Just kidding~ XD

O... Kay... That's a long story~
LOOOL~ But hey, you're lucky to watch Jin live~ I havent even get that chance~
Haha... ex-hater huh... what an intriguing story~ :P
I dont know why people just hate KAT-TUN easily, but same goes to Arashi... :P
But oh well, whatever~ I enjoy them anyway~ XD

oh dont worry... i dont mind talkative people~ i love sharing stories too~
btw, i wonder what happen to the younin news... :/
to be honest, NEWS was never my favorite... I mean, I love Ryo, so I listen to NEWS becoz of him, but most of my fave are usually in KAT-TUN, Arashi and Eito, so... .____.
But then RyoPi quit, and I wonder how is the new NEWS, but I havent heard a thing about them~
Too bad, their last concert was a major blast though...


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