PLay Part 2

Jan 17, 2006 18:24

Hopefully I won't be spamming the friend list with this lol

Willow-(sighs) Oh it be ye Khalila. Stoop sneaking oop an me.
Khalila- Sorry lass you know I cannot be loud when I am about. It is not good for my continued health to be loud.
Rowan-(to the others as she climbs out of her tree) Sorry about that. This is Khalila, the rather unusual Demon that we have been taking care of.
Willow- She obviously followed us ‘ere after we told ‘er ta stay where she was.
Khalila- I follow no one. I was here before you two made your entrance. I smelled Humans nearby and I wanted to see if it was safe to eat yet, but it is not so I will leave them be. If you are so unhappy with me being here then I will say, Good day to you, and be on my way. I suppose that I will find someone around here who is looking for me.
Willow- Oh stoop yer complaining. It be yer fault that ye be ‘unted like ye be.
Khalila- Sure it is all my fault that everyone wants to see me dead, half of them I never did anything to, like that damn Knight who attacked me recently.
Gl’ven- Khalila you do not look like a Demon to me, you look more like a disheveled Faery.
Khalila- You really think so Glen Raven, well you are quite mistaken. From what I remember the White Rider was never wrong in anything he said, oh well I guess that times change and so must people.
Gl’ven- How do you know that?
Khalila- Know what? That you were the White Rider? I was with you silly, I never left your side until you chased me off because of your hurt pride that I had saved you from something you could have avoided.
Gl’ven- What?! I’ve never seen you before in my life.
Khalila- Yes you have but I was never in this form when you saw me, I looked more like this. (She closes her eyes and a blue mist forms around her. When the mist clears a silvery blue fox sits where she had been standing)
Gl’ven- Celia?!
Khalila-(changes back) Aye, the fox that you saved when you were younger. I later returned the favor much to my chagrin. A Demon never forgets when someone has done something kind for them and we do not like to be in debt because of it.
Gl’ven- Why did I never know of your nature? I am Demon sensitive.
Rowan- You never knew because Khalila is an Oni. They are half animal Demon and half Fey-like Demon. The only way anyone can know is if they actually tell you what they are.
Khalila- And on top of that I am not a very tainted soul. I only eat when I have to, not when ever I want to. That gets me in trouble with my kind but I have learned how to avoid them for the most part. Then of course I have the families and the hired help of those that I have killed, but oh well such is life.
Gl’ven- How many people have you killed?
Khalila- Um. . . . . About 400ish maybe, possably, I think....
Alita- I do not mean to be rude but that seems like a lot of people to me.
Khalila- It is not rude, but you must realize that I am nearly 2,000 years old. That means that I-
Gl’ven- Only eat once in 50 years! How is it that you have not died from starving yourself?
Khalila- I tend to hunt as a fox during the between human times and for the most part that is fine.
Robbin-(sourly) A Demon who eats the diet of a fox? Well now I think I have heard everything.
Gl’ven- Be nice. I know that your brother was killed by a Demon but that does not mean you have to hate them all. It was only one Demon who took him from you not the entire race.
Robbin-(sigh) I know. Sorry Khalila, I do not mean to be hateful.
Khalila- It is quite alright I do not mind as long as you do not try to kill me in my sleep.
Robbin- That is not going to happen, if I kill you it will be in battle. It’s hard to forgive any Demon what they do as their nature. My brother was the only family that I had left and Aricha stole him from me.
Khalila- D-did you say Aricha?
Robbin- Aye, why?
Khalila- She was my mum. She never did know how to find a proper meal. I am sorry I never knew that she liked Elves. Would it please you to know that she is now dead, by my hand?
Alita- You killed your own mother?
Khalila- Aye, I had to, she was going to kill me if I did not defend myself, but even so she nearly killed me.
Robbin- I guess that it is a nice thing to know that she no longer hunts the land looking to rob people of their family.
Alita- You said that she did not know how to find a proper meal, what did you mean by that?
Khalila- Well most Demons know to kill only those people who will not be missed.
Jay- So if you kill people who won’t be missed, why do you have Humans hunting you?
Khalila- No one ever said that our idea was fool proof. Sometimes a person you think is a good choice turns out to be someone you should have just left alone.
Gl’ven- How many people do you have hunting you?
Khalila- Well if no one has died or given up it would be about, I think 900.
Willow- Ye mean we be protectin’ ye from 900 people?!! T’at’s mad!
Khalila-(Angrily) I know, but no one asked ye to help me. You took it upon yerselves to help me. I am nearly healed and when I am I will be gone faster then you can say God’s speed.
Rowan- Ignore her Khalila, you are welcome here for as long as you like.
Khalila- Thank you but as soon as my arm no longer oozes I will be gone and then you will not have to worry about the 900 people looking for me.
Gl’ven-(To Willow) What is she healing from?
Willow- As far as we can tell it be a sword bite ta ‘er ribs an a bad arrow wound in ‘er right wrist. When we found ‘er she be unconscious. Rowan just ‘ad ta ‘elp ‘er. She just woke oop t’is morn.
Gl’ven- How long has she been here?
Willow- Aboot a ‘undred years.
Khalila- Really I have been here a hundred years? That seems odd. I was not that badly injured, at least I did not think so. Really a hundred years for this is too much time spent healing. (Pushes up her right sleeve. The bandage on her wrist is stained with blood)
Rowan- Oh dear it looks like we need to change that again. Please remove that bandage and I’ll get a new one for you, and this time we are going to use herbs weather you like it or not.
Khalila-(Sighs and starts to unwind the bandage) Aye Ma’am.
(As the bandage falls away everyone gasps at the sight that meets their eyes. The only unmarked skin on her wrist is about half a centimeter on each side of her hand, the rest of it looks like ground meat and you can see the bones and blood vessels)
Alita- How is it you did not loose your hand?
Khalila- I started to heal as soon as I was hit, most of the damage you see is because of the removal of the arrow and not from its impact at all. This is nothing really.
(Rowan returns with clean bandaging and a bunch of herbs)
Rowan- Could one of you help me doctor this wound?
Jay- I’ll help, Alita you should watch this, it may come in handy one day.
Alita- Okay.
Rowan- Do you not know of healing?
Alita- No not with herbs. I do know how to heal but it requires magic.
Khalila- Oh no! You will not get near me with any magic!
Rowan- Don’t worry if you do not want her to heal you then I’m sure she will abide by your wish.
Alita- Of course I will. Healing magic does not work if the person being healed does not want to take part in it.
Khalila- Good, I cannot stand magic.
Jay- Why ever not?
Khalila- The last time someone used magic on me it was not pleasant. I do not trust magic users anymore. I never really trusted them as far as I could throw them in the first place, but what Alentha did to me was unforgivable.
Jay- She must have done something really awful to get you that mad.
Khalila- You have no idea.
Rowan- Now Alita, tell me what we have mixed together here.
Alita- There is Nettle leaves which we are going to bruise to stop the blood from seeping, and then to heal the damage we have, Golden Seal because this was an arrow wound, and Aloe water which we are going to soak the bandaging into help close the wound.
Rowan- Very good. Now what else is good for this?
Alita- Um. . . It was Ale Hoof, but it is best on fresh or new wounds and that is why we aren’t using it.
Khalila- She learns quickly.
Jay- That is part of her magic, it makes her memory better then anyone I’ve ever met before.
Khalia- That is interesting.
Jay-(as Rowan binds Khalila’s wrist) Do you know who attacked you?
Khalila- Nay, I think he told me but I cannot remember.
Alita- Could it have been a bounty hunter? They are always on the look out for escaped slaves such as yourself.
Jay+Rowan- Huh?
Khalila- How did you know?
Alita- Your collar, you still wear it.
Khalila- That is not my collar. But you are right I am a slave. I wear this to prove to myself that one day I will be free of my chains.
Alita- Oh well then I guess I won’t make the spell drop. If you wish to hide it that is your right.
Khalila- Thank you. One day I will take it off but that is only to prove that I am who I am.
Jay- Would one of you care to explain what you are talking about?
Khalia- No, it is not your concern.
Jay-(Sort of mindlessly) It is not my concern you’re right.
Khalila- I recommend that you three go eat before the others eat all of that meat that they are so intent upon ruining.
Alita- What do you mean?
Khalila- They are burning the flesh, it is appalling.
Jay-(sounds himself again) What is wrong with cooked meat?
Khalila- How can you stand the smell. Ugh it is sickening.
(Stands up and starts to climb a tree to get away from the smell)
Jay-(takes a big sniff) I don’t know what she is talking about those hares smell wonderful.
Robbin-(walks over with a huge hunk of raw hare) Here Khalila, I take some pity on you, I know how Demons are about cooked meat so I saved this for you, I hope you enjoy it.
Khalila- (Lays down on the branch she is sitting on reaches for the hare that Robbin hands her) Thank you Robbin, I am quite hungry.
(Khalila begins to devour that hare like a starving person with a feast set before them. The others look away in disgust. When she is done she licks her hands clean of blood)
Alita- What lovely table manner she has.
Khalila- Who needs table manners when your table is the ground upon which you have killed your prey?
Jay- You have a point but that was gross.
Robbin- A bit squeamish are we Sir Jay Vertia?
Khalila-(cocks her head to the side) Vertia?
Jay- Aye that is my family name.
Khalila- The Knight. . . He said something about Vertia. What was it though? Damn memory.
Jay- Can you remember what his shield looked like?
Khalila-(Closes her eyes and thinks really hard) I think there was a blood-red dragon, it was impaled on. . . on a broadsword. And the background was green and gold.
Jay- That sounds like the shield of my great-great Grandfather Ambrose, the Dragon foe.
Khalila-(opens her eyes and says loudly) That was his name! He is the one who attacked me!
Jay- I think I know why he attacked you. If this is the time that I think it is. What happened was that as he was on a patrol through our forest, he found the body of a young woman who had been killed recently by a Demon. He hated all immortals but Dragons and Demons the most for they had taken most of his family when he was young. He swore that he would find the Demon who had done the deed and kill it. A few hours later he found you sleeping in a tree, he thought you were a Fey until he saw the blood on your hands. He called out a challenge and before you could react he charged at you and knocked you out of the tree with his sword, which tore through your ribs. You glared at him and then ran off. He was desperate to stop you and exact his vengeance for the body he found and so he shot you with an arrow poisoned with Demon’s Bane. He thought that would bring you down quickly and so he followed you for nearly three miles before he lost your tracks, he was distraught that you had gotten away but he always thought that you had crawled off somewhere and died.
Khalial- (Smiles softly and then looks off into the trees) I know the child you speak of, and I was deserving of Vertia’s wrath. She was dying as it was, all I did was to grant her wish.
Jay-(walks over to stand by the tree Khalila is sitting in) Pardon?
Khalila-(Sighs) Her name was Salia Va’eri and she was a young noble woman. She had contracted a fatal illness and in her despair she had wandered into the forest in the hopes of finding someway to end her life quickly and painlessly for that was something her illness would not allow her. In her searching she found me sleeping in a tree, as I always do, somehow she knew that I was a Demon. She waited until I woke before she called attention to herself, I knew that she was there but I did not want to wake up just then, and she was no danger to me. As soon as I woke and looked at her she asked me if I would kill her. Shocked at what she had asked I in my turn asked why such a beautiful young woman was seeking death from a Demon of all creatures. She told me then about her health and as she spoke of it I saw the first pallor of death creep into her flesh. She was dying as she spoke to me, and Set only knows how long she would have taken to die. I knew the illness that she spoke of and I knew how it ravaged the body for a very long time before it would kill its victim. I took pity on her and so I agreed to do as she asked. I climbed out of my tree and killed her as she asked, quickly and painlessly. As soon as I had finished her off I was startled by the sounds of someone coming towards me. I thought it was one of my hunters who had somehow found my trail, though I was very careful to leave no traces of my passing, so I ran off leaving her there. Perhaps who I heard was not one of my hunters but was Vertia.
Jay-(Softly, as he reaches up to touch her hand) Khalila, that was a very kind and noble thing you did for Salia. I’m sure if Ambrose had known what you just told me he would not have attacked you. (Touches her hand)
Khalila-(Jumps and turns angrily, on her hand where Jay touched her is a burn) Do not touch me ever! And definitely not when I am hungry. (Jay jumps back as if shocked. Then softer) I am sorry Jay I do not mean to react that way but I cannot be touched, as you can see it burns me when people touch me. That is why I sleep in trees and avoid eating until I must.
Jay- That’s alright I should know better than to touch people any way.
Khalila- You have Sight Magick?
Jay- Aye, how did you know?
Khalila- That was part of what I saw when you touched me.
Jay-(Surprised) You have Sight Magick? I’ve never heard of a Demon who had any Magick other then the simple magicks that anyone can learn.
Khalila- I was not born with Sight Magick, mine was a curse put upon me. And if I ever find the bitch who did this to me I will kill her.
Alita-(Comes over with some hare for Jay) But why would she curse you with something so unnatural?
Khalila- Because I would not help her get her love. She was in love with someone who could not love her and still she tried to solicit my help. When I refused she cast this curse on me.
Alita- How could you have helped?
Khalila-(Shakes her head at the memory) She thought that if she was in the gravest of danger that her love would realize his feelings for her and would thus rush to her rescue. She wanted me to attack her when he was near.
Jay- Why didn’t you help her?
Khalila- The idea was cute, but it would not have worked. Her young love was a very severe knight who would not have rescued her because he loved her, he would have rescued her because she was in danger. I would have had to be suicidal to turn my back on this young man, he was a Demon Slayer, he would have been able to kill me.
Alita- Why would turning your back make you any easier to kill?
Khalila-(Cocks her head to the side) Do you know nothing of Demons?
Jay- Alita is a princess. She has lived a very sheltered life.
Khalila- I am sorry young one, to be stuck in a cage, even the fine gilded one of royalty would kill me, well more then I am already. To answer your question, there is only one way to kill an Oni. (Sighs and says to herself) I am going to get in more trouble for telling this, but oh well my life is already so forfeit that I would have to die a hundred times over before everyone was happy. (To them) The only way to kill an Oni is to cut off our wings and then behead us before we can change into our animal form. If we are not beheaded before the change we become a full animal Demon and we become fully immortal, nothing can kill us if that happens.
Alita- Now it makes sense that you would not want to turn your back on this person. It is easier to protect your wings when you know where the danger is.
Khalila- Exactly. I do not want to die, even if my life is a hell hole I do enjoy being around. I believe that you should get some sleep, I think that your friends are planning on leaving at first light.
Jay- Aye, I’m sure they are.
(Alita and Jay go back by the fire and lay down on their bedrolls and fall asleep, Gl’ven walks over to Khalila’s tree)
Gl’ven- You seem to know this forest well, can we get through here with the horses and not cause a huge trail to be left behind?
Khalila- If you take those clomping land mashers into the forest you will leave a trail that a blind deaf and dumb man could follow. Nay you can not take them if you wish to get away without a trace. There is no road through the forest for the reason that you want there to be one, this forest is pretty much the only true defense that the Fey have, they want to know exactly who and what is traveling about at all times. I am the one thing that they cannot trace, they have seen me only in fleeting glances out of the corner of their eyes and never once have they been able to track me down. I can get you through here without them finding or seeing you, but it will take a while.
Gl’ven- How long?
Khalila- At least a fortnight. It really depends on how fast you travel and where the Fey are as we pass through.
Gl’ven- How is it you have never been found out by the Fey? And why do you stay here when you know that if they find you they will kill you just for being what you are?
Khalila- They have never found me because I am protected by powers greater then they are. I stay because this is home, after you chased me away I wandered around for a few years before I wound up back here. I am comfortable here.
Gl’ven- The dialect you are using sounds odd to me where is it from?
Khalila- Far from here, you have probably never heard of it.
Gl’ven- Try me.
Khalila- It is from Ranit. I was there for nearly 500 years a long time ago, and I think it is time that I head back, I am sure they have forgotten about me by now which means it is safe for me to ask for my soul back.
Gl’ven- What?
Khalial- It is nothing. Sorry, I did not mean to ramble. Go on and get some sleep, I will keep watch for the Fey and anyone who might be following you.
Gl’ven- Don’t you need sleep?
Khalila- I have been asleep for almost a hundred years I think I can go a while without sleep.
Gl’ven- Alright. (Walks back to the fire and lays down and is soon fast asleep)
Khalila-(softly) You all seem so nice, I wish I did not have to lead you to your doom.

Act II: Scene IV:

(In another part of the forest Reyiu sits before a small fire)
Reyiu- Gl’ven when we meet again our reunion will not be pleasant. You will fail in your duty to protect Alita. Khalila will see to it that none of your party will survive.
Act III: Scene I:

(About five days later. Khalila has lead the group through the forest without any trouble. Willow and Rowan have come along to make sure that everyone is alright until they reach the edge of the forest. Skyla and Silvith have joined the group escaping because she wants to see the world outside the forest. They are resting right now, Khalila and Silvith have gone ahead to scout where the Fey are)
Jay- Don’t you think that Khalila and Silvith have been gone a long time?
Gl’ven- They must have found Fey on the path back and are now looking for a new way back here.
(Suddenly from the direction that Khalia and Silvith had gone they hear an awful scream)
Skyla- (gasps in pain) That’s Silvith! They are in trouble!
Gl’ven- Come on they need our help.
(Everyone gets up and runs after Gl’ven drawing what weapons they have. Ahead of them they can hear Khalila yelling but they can’t understand what she is saying.)

Act III: Scene II:

(Khalia and Silvith are heading back to the others when Reyiu jumps out at them. He attacks Silvith who screams)
Reyiu- Silence evil creature! (He stabs through her right wing membrane)
Khalila- Reyiu, what are you doing?! This is not how we planed!
Reyiu- The plan has changed my dear, and you are no longer a part of it.
Khalila- What?! You Bastard! You promised me my freedom if I brought them to you!
Reyiu- I lied. (Turns to kill Silvith)
(Khalila howls in anger and leaps onto Reyiu’s back and knocks him to the ground, his sword goes flying.)
Reyiu-(Struggles to get out from under Khalila) Get off of me Demon!
Khalila- No! I will not let you do this! (She digs her claws into his arms and then bites his neck, Reyiu howls in pain)
Gl’ven-(as he runs in) Khalila get off him!
Khalila-(Looks up at him as the others run in, bright blood dripping from her fans and chin) Stay back Gl’ven, this Bastard deserves to die. He injured Silvith, take care of her.
Gl’ven- Khalila, get off of him. You may kill him later but I want to question him as to why he attacked you.
(Khalila starts to argue but Reyiu takes her inattention as an opportunity to lunge up and throw her off of him. She stands but before her head is clear from hitting the ground he kicks her in the stomach and the force drives her into a tree, where she slumps into unconsciousness)
Reyiu-(Walks towards her) Vile Demon Bitch!! How dare you attack me!
Gl’ven-(sees the mask he is wearing and knows that it’s Reyiu) Reyiu! Don’t you know that it is dishonorable to kill an unconscious foe?
Reyiu-(Turns to Gl’ven) I don’t know how you changed her, but you will pay for meddling into things you cannot understand. (Grabs his sword from where it fell)
Gl’ven-(Shifts his dagger into a fighting hold) Bring it on, though I don’t see why you are so eager to be defeated again.
(Reyiu rushes forward, Gl’ven casually steps aside. Reyiu pulls up and turns back to Gl’ven and they begin to exchange blows. Alita looks to where Khalila is lying)
Alita-(to herself) Something doesn’t seem right.
(She starts to walk over to her when Silvith walks up)
Silvith-(taps Alita’s leg with her tail) Alita what are you doing?
Alita-(Crouches down) I want to make sure that Khalila is alright. Why?
Silvith- Leave her. She does not deserve to be helped. She was leading us to that black man.
Alita- But she attacked him.
Silvith- Only because he was going to break his promise to her. She is evil.
Alita- I can’t believe that. She is too nice to have been doing that, besides even if she is like that it is not my place to judge her. I’m going to help her.
(Alita stands up and walks cautiously to Khalila’s side.)
Alita- This doesn’t look good. (A puddle of very blueish blood is spreading from her.) Oh what am I supposed to do now? I can’t touch her, I don’t want to hurt her more. (Pauses and thinks for a few seconds) Wait! The Wizard Alter told me that you can touch a person with Sight Magick without them seeing anything as long as you wear thick leather. (She rushes back to Jay) Jay we need to help Khalila!
Jay- Why?
Alita- She’s bleeding Jay and it doesn’t seem to be stopping. I think it might be from her wings.
Jay- We can’t do anything for her. We can’t touch her remember.
Alita- But we can, well at least you can. Your gauntlets are leather, the wizard Alter told me that Sight Magick can’t pass through leather. Please we have to help her.
(Jay looks over where Khalila is lying and then follows Alita over.)
Jay-(seeing all the blood) Holy Gods above!
Alita- Try and roll her over so we can find out where it’s coming from.
(Jay gently rolls Khalila onto her side, one of her wings is nearly torn from her back, that is the source of the blood)
Alita- Damn! There’s nothing we can do to help.
Skyla-(As she crouches down beside them) Do not give up hope Princess, I think Jay knows what to do.
Jay- Aye I do, but . . . (sighs) There isn’t much time left. Alita let me use your dagger please.
Alita-(Hands him her dagger) What are you going to do?
Skyla- Hush and watch what the power of love can do.
(Jay gathers Khalila into his arms and then he takes off his left gauntlet and slashes his wrist [about and inch to 2 inches] and then places his wrist over Khalila’s mouth)
Jay-(softly) Drink Khalila, take my strength as yours, take my health to heal your wounds.
(Khalila starts to drink the blood as it flows into her mouth. As Alita and Skyla watch Khalila’s wing begins to mend)
Khalila-(opens her eyes and pushes Jay’s arm away) No!
Jay- You need to eat something or you are going to die.
Khalila- Then let me die! (Sorrowfully) I do not deserve this help. I was. . . I was leading you to Reyiu. You should have just let me lie here and die. I was leading you to your deaths. I do not-
Jay- You may have been doing all you said but you did attack Reyiu rather then let him kill Silvith. You changed.
Khalila- But I should not have been able to attack him, he owns me. He and the Countess stole what little of my soul and power I have left and they promised to let me go if I brought you to them, but Reyiu changed the plan on me and decided that I was not going to be given my freedom and so in anger I attacked him and kept him from killing Silvith only because I wanted to kill my captor for breaking his promise to me.
Jay- But you had to have changed somehow or else you would have just accepted the change and not done anything to help us.
(Behind them they hear a scream of pain and turn to see Reyiu lying dead on the ground, he was gutted by Gl’ven’s dagger.)
Gl’ven-(Walks over to them) Khalila are you alright? You look paler then normal.
Jay- She needs to eat, one of her wings was torn.
Gl’ven-(Points behind him) You can have Reyiu.
Khalila-(softly) As much as I would like that I cannot eat already dead human flesh. I have to kill it myself to be able to eat it. (Listens to a sound off to her left) The Fey are coming. They heard all the screams. We need to get away before they find us.
Gl’ven- That’s a bit hard to do. You are too weak to move unless someone carries you and you can’t be touched and Silvith is bleeding, they will be able to follow the blood trail. We will stay here and take our chances with the Fey.
Khalila-(Starts to shiver) But-but if they find out what I am they will kill me. I cannot stay here.
Jay- You’ll be fine I promise you, I will not let anyone hurt you.
Khalila-(Still trembling) You will not be able to save me from their wrath.
(Three Fey burst into the scene, two male and a female)
M Fey-(As they draw their weapons) What are you all doing here? How have you managed to get so far into our land unnoticed?
Gl’ven- We were just following some old paths, we did not realize we were intruding on anyone’s land, we are sorry.
F Fey-(Looks closely at Gl’ven) You’re Glen Raven! Her Majesty has been waiting for you. Come with us.
Jay- We have two injured companions is there someway we can transport them?
M Fey- Can’t you just carry them?
Alita- One of them is a young dragon and the other has Sight Magick.
M Fey- We have no way to help you. You’ll just have to carry them.
Khalila-(Softly to Jay who is about to protest) It is alright, I do not mind being carried, you will not hurt me too much.
Jay-(looks down at her) Are you sure? You nearly died.
Khalila- I will be fine, I promise.
(Jay picks her up and follows the others who are following the Fey)

Act III: Scene III:

(In the dark chamber again)
Alentha-(Softly) M’Lady, Reyiu has failed, Gl’ven has defeated him.
Narate-(Scowls) Well then it seems it is your turn to stop that pest. Do not fail me or I will make you wish that you could die like your brother did.
(Alentha nods and vanishes.)
Narate-(Sighs and places a hand to her head) Why must I be surrounded by fools? (She picks up a small blue crystal and looks at it in horror) Great Gods! She has escaped my control! (Throws the crystal in anger and it shatters) No wonder all my plans are failing! I will have to get that Creature back under control or else everything will fail, and that is not acceptable.
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