Code Ragnarok: The Badass Lists.

Oct 28, 2011 13:32

Nott Lovell

Badass Normal - Okay he's not human BUT he doesn't have superpowers either.

Badass and Baby - Him and Helgi. On a scrambler trying to get away from a monster that was Helgi's mother

Badass and Child Duo - Helgi really does follow Nott around most of the time.

Badass Bystander - Happens at the start of CR: Scarfice. When he saves Bridget from her Abusive owner.

Badass Diver - Again Nott on a Scrambler, funny part? It's his owners scrambler XD

Badass Furry - Hey a Trope I haven't heard of before! Well Nott is a fox

Badass long hair - He has a pony tail

Beware the silly one/Hidden Badass/Let's Get Dangerous - He's a goof and one of the least intimidating members of the family. But he can kill you just as dead if he wanted to.

Determinator - Hmmm, this is a little boarder line with him. But he does try to be one.

Papa Wolf - DO NOT MESS WITH HELGI AND HIS SISTERS! (And they're not even his kids >_> )

Pop Cultured Badass - In the first story he points out the difference between "real" Zombies and the living Zombies they're up against by comparing them to the Evil dead and Resident Evil

Took a Level in Badass - Was actually pretty wimpy a year before the series starts

Badass Family - Well they became a family though surviving a Zombie plague OF COURSE ITS A BADASS FAMILY XD

Battle Couple - He wants this with Mani, and it was my plan for them...but Mani refuses to see him as anything other than a brother Does this make him a Badass Angster? (And no they're not really related)

Mani Grey
Action Girl - She's a prototype weapon and has had training to see how Durable she is

Badass Abnormal - Can turn invisible.

Badass Adorable - Look at her

Badass And Baby - She looks after Helgi and her sisters (Alex, Heather and Clare)Just like Nott does.

Badass Angster - After Sunni's death, She's useless and Emo for a while before deciding to Live the live Sunni never got to have.

Badass Boast - Mani's religious, the some of humans at the church hate her. Her reply as she sacrifices her freedom for them "My kinda never ate the apple of knowledge. I have nothing to be ashamed of."

Badass In Charge - She becomes this in trinity when everyone else is captured. Sadly Most of it happens off screen (I should fix that.)

Badass Damsel - She's NOT as helpless as she looks.

Badass Furry - She's a fox too

The Coats Are Off - In the church again.

Badass Pacifist - Church again

Badass Unintentional - Mani woudln't hurt a fly if left to her own devices.

Battle Strip - Man that bit in the Curch was just a crowning moment of badass for this girl.

Beware the Nice Ones - They're so sweet, they won't even hurt a fly. But they will hurt you, badly, if you piss them off.

The So-Called Coward - In the first half of Scarfice when she wants the village to like her. She lets the meaner residents walk all over her.

Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass - This So much in first story. Less so in later parts.

Determinator - The meekest character in the group grows one hell of back bone when the others are captured.

Plucky Girl - After the others are rescued she's just as Determined but not so grim.

Heartbroken Badass - After Sunni died in the first story. Currently this again after the end of "Mother"

Hidden Badass/Let's Get Dangerous - Looks even less badass than Nott.

Lightning Bruiser - Relies mostly on the speed.

Little Miss Badass - Up until Fenris stars adopting the Runaway's she was the smallest of the group.

Mama Bear - Mess with her kids Adopted Nieces and Nephew and die. Your choice.

Submissive Badass - Is usually this except for Trinity and Mother where she's forced to take over.

Took a Level in Badass - Trinity

Tranquil Fury - Snaps a guy's arm after she leaves the Church "We're not on holy ground any more."

Underestimating Badassery - The guy who's arm she snapped XD

Waif-Fu - Petite yes, but that doesn't stop her from kicking your ass, espeshally when she can turn invisible before hand

Action Duo/Lovely Angels - Mani and Sunni, until Sunni dies.

Badass Family - Nott's sister (Nott wishes she didn't see her self this way.)

Action Girl - She kicks ass.

Action Girlfriend/Violently Protective Girlfriend: You killed the father of her unborn cubs. BIG MISTAKE!!!!

Hot Amazon - Or Nott thinks so XD

Action Hero/Action Mom - Even before the cubs are born she's the team mom.

Badass And Baby/Badass and Child Duo - She's the mother of the cubs Nott and Mani are so protective over.

Badass Angster - Loses her mate and worries over her cubs, a lot.

Badass Damsel - She's the second most deadly of the gang.

Badass Furry - Artic fox

Badass Normal - No superpowers, just like Nott
Dare To Be Badass - When someone decides to quit being normal and be a badass instead.

Determinator - In Sacrifice ... actually she becomes the unfettered in Sacrifice o_O

Dying Moment of Awesome - Died protecting her kids.

Heartbroken Badass - Her mate T_T

Lady of War - She is known for her grace and poise even while she's cutting you to pieces. (This is what I was aiming for with her.)

Lightning Bruiser - Quick, Strong and Bad Ass.

Major Injury Underreaction - During her Unfettered moment, doesn't react until she collapses from blood loss.

Mama Bear - Her crowning moment of awesome.

More Deadly Than The Male - She makes up for her lack of (obvious) strength by being more ruthless than you and her boyfriend COMBINED.

Pregnant Badass - In Genesis

Tranquil Fury - When a badass just kicks your ass, no questions asked, no screaming, just a Death Glare will do.

Action Duo - Was this with Nott when we first see her in Genesis
Badass Crew - Her Fenris and Nott in Scarifice. (Except Nott get's his butt kicked... )

Badass Family - An entire family of badass.

Badass Abnormal - What do you get when you cross a super solder with a wolf?

Badass and Child Duo - Mani at first, then Russell, then...well he fathers almost anyone really XD

Badass Angster - They killed his sons/clones D8

Badass Baritone - How I imagine his voice.

Badass In Charge - He's not just a wolf, he's an alpha wolf.

Badass Furry - Big Badass Wolf.

Badass Gay - Isn't really gay, but he tricks a few bad guys into thinking he is. >_>

Badass in Distress - Drugged up to the eyeballs at the start of Trinity and the bad guys are STILL scared of him

Badass Long Hair - Longest hair of the story XD

Determinator - HE. DOES. NOT. GIVE. UP!

Heartbroken Badass - You murdered their lover or family. They can and will do the same to you.

Large and in Charge - Size does matter.

Lamarck Was Right - His father, although he's long dead before the series starts

Lightning Bruiser - You wouldn't think something so big would be so fast.

Papa Wolf - You have NO idea. Mess with his pack and die.(And he sees everyone as part of his pack.)

One-Man Army - What he's aiming to be in Genesis, until he comes across Nott, Mani and Pandeia.

Action Duo - Fenris and Nott I love writing those two together XD

Badass Family - His pack. Who cares if none of them are wolves

I'll do the humans another time.
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