Sam's a whiny bitch, but wow is Dean yumtastic. Thanks to gollum for the indoctrination reacharound. Now I see why the crossovers with Buffy work so well too.
To be fair -- lest the kitsune get the wrong mental image -- Dean's more the "get glassy-eyed and clench my jaw so I won't REALLY cry" sort than the full-on weeping sort.
But yeah, they kinda swap the whininess around. Which is good, because it means I don't ever decide I'd like the show better without one of them in it. (And the one character I did want to go away obliged me by doing so.)
Oh, i should warn you--"Bugs" is quite possibly the worst episode ever. It's worth seeing, i guess, but go into it understanding that it's going to be awful, and not even really in a cheesy-fun sort of way. There are a few lovely moments in it, though, but if you want, i'll come over and fast-forward through the crap and let you see the good bits.
Heh. It was pretty bad. About the only thing that made sense was them closing down the development because they found human remains on it. The rest...well, the spider was pretty.
Comments 11
We started Dark Angel tonight. So far, all i've seen is Logan become Lifeguard, but i'm definitely enjoying it. More updates as i have 'em.
But yeah, they kinda swap the whininess around. Which is good, because it means I don't ever decide I'd like the show better without one of them in it. (And the one character I did want to go away obliged me by doing so.)
But I have to echo the K8; like a fine whine errr... like something, Sam improves with age. Well and with Dark Origin Agnst.
(Indean? Oh wait, that's dirty. Teehee.)
Glad you're digging it. And yeah...Dean's totally my favorite.
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