JE has too much of my money!! ToT
I need to keep this list so when I'm stuck by the urge to buy something I can at least try to resist...please ignore my ocd moment ><
-Best of KAT-TUN
-cartoon KAT-TUN II You [LE][RE]
-Queen of Pirates [LE]
-Break the Records -by you & for you- [LE][RE]
-Real Face [LE type A-F]
-Signal [RE]
-僕らの街で [RE]
-喜びの歌 (RE)
-Don't U Ever Stop [RE]
-Keep the faith [RE]
-White X'mas [LE w/DVD][RE - Limited Pressing]
-One Drop [LE][RE]
-RESCUE [LE][RE - First Press]
-Love yourself -君が嫌いな君が好き- [LE w/DVD type A][LE w/DVD type B][RE]
-Real Face Box Set [Real Face Film, Best of KAT-TUN album, Real Face single]
-Real Face Film
-お客様は神サマーConcert 55万人愛のリクエストに応えて!!
-KAT-TUN Live 海賊帆
-Live of KAT-TUN "Real Face"
-Tour 2007 cartoon KAT-TUN II You [2DVD+Book] [Book-Type Jacket]
-KAT-TUN Live Tour 2008 Queen of Pirates [First Press]
-KAT-TUN Live Break the Records [LE]
-LANDS Olympus [First Press]
-LANDS BANDAGE [LE w/DVD][RE - First Press - Limited Pressing]
-BANDAGE Soundtrack
-亀梨 [Queen of Pirates]
-亀梨 [Break the Records]
-赤西 [Real Face]
-赤西 [cartoon KAT-TUN II You][白 Version]
-赤西 [cartoon KAT-TUN II You][黒 Version]
-赤西 [Queen of Pirates] x2
-赤西 [Break the Records]
-田口 [Break the Records]
-田中 [Break the Records]
-上田 [Queen of Pirates]
-上田 [Break the Records]
-中丸 [Break the Records]
♥Break the Records Tour
-Tote bag x2
-Key chain
-Water bottle
-KAT-TUN 2003 Summer Concert
-Spring 05 Looking KAT-TUN
-Real Face
-cartoon KAT-TUN II You [6人 Version]
-Queen of Pirates
-Break the Records
-KAT-TUN 1st in New York
-KAT-TUN Live Document Photobook "Break the Records"
-BANDAGE Photobook
♥Shop Photos
*White X'mas
-Group [3]
-赤西 [18]
-上田 [6]
-亀梨 [2]
*One Drop
-赤西 [23]
-Group [4]
-赤西 [5]
-上田 [3]
-亀梨 [4]
*Queen of Pirates Tour
-Group [4]
-赤西 [7]
*Break the Records Photobook
-Group [36]
-赤西 [62]
-上田 [5]
-亀梨 [15]
*上田 [Mouse Peace, Romeo & Juliet Promo, ect.]
-Mouse Peace [8]
-Romeo & Juliet [6]
-Misc. [9]
♥Misc. Goods
-Photo album [Johnny's shop early 2009]
-Ticket album [Johnny's shop early 2009]
-Mini うちわ [Johnny's shop early 2009]
-Real Face Tour Pin Set
-2008-2009 Johnny's School Calendar
-2009-2010 Johnny's School Calendar
-2010-2011 Johnny's School Calendar
♥Mouse Peace Concert Goods
-Mouse Strap [Gori]
-Mouse Strap [Chintaro]
-Mouse Couple [blue & pink]
-touch [RE]
-pacific [LE][RE]
-color [LE][RE]
-星をめざして [RE]
-weeeek [LE][RE]
-太陽のナミダ [LE][RE]
-Summer Time [LE][RE]
-Happy Birthday [LE][RE]
-恋のABO [LE][RE]
-NEWS ニッポン 0304
-Never Ending Wonderful Story [LE]
-NEWS Concert Tour pacific 2007-2008 -the first Tokyo Dome concert- [LE]
-NEWS Live Diamond [LE]
-青春アミーゴ [RE]
-抱いてセニョリータ [RE]
-Loveless {LE w/DVD type A][LE type B][RE]
-クロサギ Soundtrack
-クロサギ Movie [Special Edition - Limited Release]
-山下 [pacific]
-山下 [Winter Party Diamond]
-錦戸 [pacific]
-錦戸 [Winter Party Diamond]
-NewSnow Concert
-Nippon East to West Spring Concert 2005
-NEWS Spring concert Tour 2006
-A Happy NEWS Year 2006
-NEWS Concert Tour 2007
-NEWS First Concert 2007 in Taipei
-NEWS Concert Tour pacific 2007-2008
-NEWS Winter Party Diamond
-クロサギ Photobook
♥Shop Photos
-山下 [4]
-錦戸 [1]
-Group [2]
*Summer Time
-山下 [7]
-錦戸 [9]
-Group [4]
*Happy Birthday
-山下 [1]
-山下 [18]
-錦戸 [12]
-Group [7]
-山下 [2]
-錦戸 [3]
*Winter Party Diamond Live & Photobook
-山下 [39]
-錦戸 [35]
-Group [2]
♥Misc. Goods
-Photo album [Johnny's shop early 2009]
-Ticket album [Johnny's shop early 2009]
-Mini うちわ [Johnny's shop early 2009]
-山下 Clearfile [A Happy NEWS Year 2006]
-山下 Clearfile [Spring Concert Tour 2006]
-pacific tour notebook
-Winter Party Diamond penlight
-2008-2009 Johnny's School Calendar
-2009-2010 Johnny's School Calendar
-感謝二8 [RE]
-KJ1 F・T・O [RE]
-KJ2 ズッコケ大脱走 [LE type A]
-間風ファイティング [赤 Version]
-ズッコケ男道 [LE][RE]
-イッツマイソウル [LE][RE]
-ワッハッハ [LE][RE]
-無責任ヒーロー [LE type A][LE type B][RE]
-Excite!! [RE]
-Spirits!! [RE]
-Heat Up! [RE]
-47 [LE][RE]
-Tour 2009 PUZZLE [show Document Edition][First Press]
-Eco bag
-Concert Tour 2006
-Kanjani8 Live Tour 2008 [2008.04.03-2008.05.18]
-Kanjani8 Live Tour 2008 [2008.07.06-2008.08.31]
-Tour 2009 PUZZLE
-Kanjani8 All Over Japan 2007 Documentary Photobook
♥Shop Photos
*Live Tour 2008 Photobook
-錦戸 [17]
-Group [1]
*Live Tour 2008
-錦戸 [6]
-錦戸 [7]
♥Misc. Goods
-Mini うちわ [Johnny's shop early 2009]
-2007 Tour light up pin
-2008-2009 Johnny's School Calendar
-2009-2010 Johnny's School Calendar