Title: Rhyme of Another AutumnAuthor:
mellow_morganPairings: Merlin/Arthur. Side pairings of Gwen/Lancelot, post-breakup!Arthur/Gwen, very minimally hinted/mentioned Morgana/Morgause, Merlin/Mordred, and more.
Warnings: Reincarnation/Modern AU, fluff, cursing, some references to homophobia, mild violence, mild smut, S5 spoilers (for y'all who aren't quite there yet ^^")
Rating: NC-17
Word count: ~45,900
Summary: Once upon a time, the son of a self-righteous corporate manager fell in love with a carefree, fun-loving young warlock, and his smile was a question he wanted to spend his whole life answering. Merlin is a shy café waiter who cares too much, taking pleasure from the small things in life, and Arthur works two part-time jobs after being kicked out onto the streets by his homophobic father. All he wants to do is piece other people's lives back together as he can't fix his own. All Merlin wants to do is find his true destiny, but everything changes after he and Arthur unexpectedly cross paths. Inspired by Amélie.
“Merlin would have stopped to smile at him in response, but the tears just kept coming. The blonde’s words echoed endlessly in his ears, as they would for days and days to come: ‘there’s still so much to live for’.”
Kit's Notes: Written for
paperlegends' Merlin Big Bang 2013. Many thanks to
Robin and
Charleigh, my awesome betas. Thanks for putting up with me, guys! I couldn't have done this without you, and it was really great meeting you this year. I love you both. :) Special regards to
Nathaniel, and
Caitlin who have all been with me on this since the very beginning, and a big thank you to everyone (especially everyone on FF) who's read my fics before since this will, sadly, be my last one! :')
I'd especially like to give my eternal gratitude to my lovely artist
Morgan for drawing unimaginably gorgeous art to accompany my fic and for being so nice to me the whole time during this experience. Most of all, thanks to
the_muppet for being awesome since she made everything possible for this final Big Bang! ^_^ As a final note, I hope you all enjoy! :3
Disclaimer: I do not own Merlin in any way, shape, or form. But Arthur most certainly can. X"D
Fic Link:
AO3 ||
FFArt Link Fanmix Link