Title: Worry Fandom: Ben 10 Characters: Ben/Gwen Prompt: #042 Triangle. Word Count: 480 Rating: T Summary: She has her magic... and he the Omnitrix. Author's Notes: Ben and Gwen both worry the other will go where they cannot follow...
Hey love. I'm glad you've figured out what your "triangle" was going to be. It's looking pretty good sofar, I really hope that you can finish this one. You have all my hope.
At the beginning of the series Ben and Gwen have the EXACT same green eyes. I loved that about them... but I don't know what changed but in later episodes, Ben's eyes changed... they now are some brown/green mix. Still shares Gwen's shape but not the same color. Not sure why the writers of theh show changed his eyes, but they did. I'm just following that suite...
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