Title: Just Enough
Fandom: Ben 10/AFish
Characters: Ben/Gwen (Mostly Gwen with her thoughts turning to Ben)
Prompt: #034 Not Enough
Word Count: 403
Rating: T
Summary: Gwendolyn Tennyson is a half-creature, stuck between two worlds and feeling not enough to be in either one.
Author's Notes: This has been sitting on my hardrive for a while and was written before I was comfortable with the Alien DNA so there's half that and half magic as I was trying to wrap my mind around things. So it needs work. But I felt like updating with something.
It was raining, and she stood there in the middle of the park, on a bridge staring down into the stream that for most of the year was just a small little line of water but now with the winter melt and spring rain turned swollen to be more like a miniature river. The current was going too fast and the falling water from the sky made it impossible for her to see her reflection but still she stood there, head down, shoulders slumped and not wanting to go home.
She really had very little friends. She wasn't social enough, really. She devoted much of her time to her computer and homework, trying very hard to be excel in academics. When she was around them, her knowledge and her lack of experience chatting with other people made her sound snobby and too smart for her own good. She fought with her mother a lot on several different issues. She wasn't human enough for her mother to have the “normal” daughter she wanted, but she wasn't alien enough with her all too human upraising to be anything else. Even when it came to the time to go up to fight bad guys she had some trouble there-- with a slap to the wrist, her cousin could be something strong enough, fast enough, good enough to take on whoever they were up against. Gwen had no such luck, she only had her brains, her martial arts training and the magic that was inside her, even then sometimes it was just not enough. She was stuck between two worlds, and always not enough for either of them.
Footsteps sounded on the bridge, and she found herself tensing. Although this was on her way home, it was still a little out of the way and not many people walked through parks on their way home, especially with the rain. They usually found rides from others or even their parents. She flexed her fingers, bringing up enough energy that would knock whoever was behind her down on their ass if trouble brewed.
“Hey, Dweeb.” She looked up sharply, a glower on her face quickly changing to disbelief when she stared up into the newcomers hazel eyes. There was a look there that she couldn't explain but seemed to take all her doubt away as she realized that somehow with Ben... she was just enough.