Title: Wishful Thinking
Fandom: Ben 10
Characters: Ben/Gwen (Mostly Ben with his thoughts turning to Gwen)
Prompt: #011 Red
Word Count: 1081
Rating: T
Summary: Taking place after Yellow Roses, Ben wishing he could have given Gwen roses of a different color.
Author's Notes: I don't know if this one is to make it's way up to ffNET. This is written as an apology for me rushing on sharing Perfectly Imperfect so this might be a LJ-only story. Spitter is a form seen in "Ben 10,000", I'm keeping that name because I perfer it to over "LoogieMan" :D
“Ben? Where have you been? You were supposed to be here hours a…” Grandpa Max stared in disbelief at his grandson’s outfit. A rented tuxedo clad his body, slacks, shoes, vest and white shirt were still on, his tie was loosened and hanging lopsided off his neck and he held the suit jacket over his shoulder.
“Sorry, Grandpa, I had an emergency.” Ben muttered as he ran a hand through his constantly-disheveled hair.
“I heard Gwendolyn was found dateless the night right before her senior prom. So I take it you took her. Well, that was nice of you. Now can I safely say it’s about time that you two started getting along?”
“I doubt it, we insulted each other the whole night through.” His grin widened. “To tell the truth, I had a blast.”
“Nevermind the training, I guess. You need some sleep. Maybe I’ll wake you up sometime after noon and we’ll take up where we’re supposed to be-working on Spitter’s accuracy.”
Ben nodded obediently. “I’m sorry I wasn’t here on time Grandpa but…”
“You don’t have to apologize to me, Ben, you did the right thing. Now, go upstairs and take a nap. Just because you stayed up all night with your cousin it doesn’t mean I’m going to go easy on your training today.”
The grin never left his face as he started climbing up the stairs, to tell the truth, he was exhausted-every dance that wasn’t slow he was on the floor with Gwen. They danced and talked and had a blast… he was her hero, a true hero for her right there and then.
I’m sorry, Grandpa, but she called me crying. He couldn’t see her face, but he knew that she was-she hiccupped, a small tale-tell sign of her condition. Gwen was strong and steady, it was rare that she allowed herself to cry but when she was crushed, and she called him, had turned to him. He couldn’t beat Edwin up-despite being wronged, she would never forgive him but he could do the one thing that made up for the fact-proved how he was that much better than the rich snob.
You should have seen the look on her face when she saw me there… okay, after she got over being surprised. She was glad I showed up, she was happy. I did right. He threw the jacket over the chair and pulled his vest off without bothering to unbutton the buttons and taking off his slacks. Formal clothes were not made to be used as sleepwear. When he started unbuttoning his shirt, a flash of yellow caught his eye. My boutonniere, he thought as he carefully took off the yellow rose that was pinned to the jacket of his tuxedo. He put the pin down and swirled the small stem of the rose in his hand before bringing it to his nose and smelling it briefly.
“Too bad there wasn’t a tux option on your Omnitrix.” There was a hint of wistfulness in her voice, once that was so soft that it caught his breath for a moment when he dectected it.
“Why would I go to a senior prom with my cousin?” He put as much as a scoff into his tone as he could, trying to remind her who she was talking too.
“Hey! I thought you liked being the hero.” She protested angrily. “What? You wouldn’t get all dressed up for me?”
There was a long silence on his end. “I didn’t think of it that way.” For her he’d do it, she was his most favorite person to be hero to.
It wasn’t hard to find a place to rent a tuxedo from. He just let the nice lady at the formal wear rental store pick his outfit, finding one with green in it and gushing how it made his hazel eyes look more green. After that he knew there was going to the flower shop, because he already went to his senior prom the month before, dutifully with some girl who asked him out at the beginning of the semester after Christmas break. He snickered as he remembered when he tried to tell the circumstances of his hurried prom date to the cashier.
“I got a weird look from her when I told her I didn’t know exactly what my date was wearing.” He shrugged. “I told her whatever I was ordering, it had to be something not sappy. I wasn’t going to make no stupid statement of eternal love or anything like that.”
“So that’s why the roses are yellow?” Gwen guessed.
“Yup! The flower lady said that flowers actually talk… or something like that, and yellow roses say ‘friendship’.” He leaned over jokingly, as he was trying to listen to the single yellow rose pinned to his chest. “I haven’t heard them say anything yet, to be honest with you.”
He put the flower down on the bedside table and turned towards the bed. He crawled into it and laid down on his back, arms behind his head and he looked up to the ceiling.
Red roses were the ones that say ‘I love you’, to be honest it was the only flower that he already knew the meaning too. But to drop that on Gwen, when she was already having such a bad day? He couldn’t be that selfish. He couldn’t risk her anger. “
Could I find something for…friendship?” He asked that flower lady curiously and was rewarded with a smile and a lecture on the language of flowers.
He closed his eyes and felt the tiredness swell up in him. He did have a good night, he even had a nice hug from Gwen before he had to leave to Grandpa Max’s place to train more on being a better hero with the Omnitrix.
I wish you could know how much I love you, Gwen. I wish I could tell you how I never thought of you as my sister, as I have never been your brother. But there are times I wish I have never found this stupid watch on my wrist, so I guess I know just how far wishful thinking gets a person… nowhere. He closed his eyes and drifted off, in a place where green eyes twinkled at him in a way that they haven’t yet… and how beautiful she looked with three small red roses on her wrist.