fic: The Girl of My Dreams {DooSeob}

Jul 04, 2010 02:03

Title: The Girl of My Dreams
Length: one-shot
Author: M_K Yujji
Rating: NC-17
Genre: humor, romance, sexual situations
Pairing/Characters: Dooseob
Warnings: RPS, sexual situations
Disclaimer: Though real people are used as characters, this fic bears no resemblance to Real Life and these people are not owned by me.

Comments/Notes: o_O I wrote... smut... I must be... coming down with something.... it's the only explanation....

Also, my beta is out of town for the week, so if you notice any glaring errors, just let me know please? ^_^ thanks~

This was written for snb123. ^^ I opened a prompt post to honor the change of mod-ship over on dooseob and she wanted Doojoon's thoughts/actions after filming the "Mystery" mv and seeing Yoseob as a girl! I hope you like it, bb!

Summary: It all started with a wig...


It was supposed to be a joke.

A lark.

Something new to tease Yoseob about.

Somehow, it wasn’t very funny though when the wig settled into place and Yoseob peered up at them with a shy look that definitely wasn’t typical of him.

There was nothing funny about the way they all paused, struck momentarily dumb by how much it actually suited the singer, about the collective breaths held at how fetching it made him.

The moment passed quickly enough, everyone shaking themselves and launching into even more obnoxious teasing than they’d originally intended to cover their weakness. The filming was ridiculous but successful and if anyone had any lingering thoughts about Yoseob’s moment of gender-bending, they put it out of their minds and moved on.

It stuck with Doojoon, though.

He lay in bed at night thinking about it for weeks afterwards.

Hands tucked behind his head, he’d stare up at the ceiling, remembering the shy tilt of Yoseob’s chin and the way the wig’s hair had fanned across his cheek.

Sometimes he’d roll onto his side and stare over the divider that separated his bunk from Yoseob’s and watch the younger man sleep.

It would be a lie to say that he’d never entertained thoughts about Yoseob that crossed the lines of friendship. He’d contemplated all of his band mates at one point or another. In their business, where fan service was the standard and lines got blurred, it was impossible not to ever think about the possibilities of the acts becoming real.

And if thoughts of Yoseob had caught him unawares more often than those of anyone else had, he’d still always managed to brush them off and ignore them.

Until Yoseob had to go and dress up like a girl. It wasn’t even that he’d made the prettiest girl Doojoon had ever met - though Doojoon had to concede he had been awfully pretty. As he’d glanced up at Doojoon, hesitant and shy, trying to smooth down the edges of the wig with everyone staring at him in stunned silence, Yoseob had been real and attainable in a way that none of the girls Doojoon had ever known had been.

Which was stupid because Yoseob wasn’t really a girl and Doojoon knew that.

It hadn’t stopped girl-Yoseob from creeping into his dreams at night.

The first couple of mornings that he’d woken up hot and bothered and blushing with the image of girl-Yoseob splayed out underneath him had been easy enough to explain away. His imagination had kindly supplied his dream girl with all of the appropriate curves and dips and a softer voice. If pressed, he could tell himself that it was Yoseob’s sister.

But he found himself paying closer and closer attention to the real Yoseob as the days passed and the dream version started looking and sounding too close to his friend for comfort.

He’d never really thought much about the switch in their fanservice couple focus away from DooSeob until he started finding himself distracted by Yoseob’s mere presence and was infinitely grateful for it. If he’d had to play up DooSeob to their Bad Girl days, he knew he’d have been in trouble. It would have been like playing with fire, daring it to burn him.

Dongwoon was a much safer person to focus on and he threw his every effort into keeping that focus.

At least until the sun went down and they were all safely tucked back into bed away from scrutiny and distractions.

Then there was nothing to keep his mind away from the person it was so very determined to stick to.

Then he found himself right back there, staring at Yoseob’s sleeping face and wondering what it would be like to reach out and close the distance between them. He wondered if Yoseob’s lips were really as soft as they were in his dreams.

He wondered if Yoseob would accept his kiss or reject him.

Did Yoseob ever find his own eyes wandering down Doojoon’s body, wondering what it might be like if they were more than friends?

Did he ever dream of Doojoon?

Did he ever wake up hard and wanting, craving something that was so very close and yet so very far away?

No matter how often Doojoon told himself to stop thinking about stupid things and just sleep already, it only got worse instead of better.

He was nearing his breaking point already when their sister band decided to shatter it entirely one day.

To be fair, Doojoon was sure that Gayoon, Sohyun, and Jihyun probably hadn’t really had him in mind at all when they’d decided to con Yoseob into being their dress up doll for a day.

He was equally sure that when Yoseob darted into the changing room to escape them, giving his band leader a mental break down had been the last thing he’d been thinking of.

That knowledge did absolutely nothing to stop the inevitable snap of his control as he stared blankly at the panting, trembling man leaning against the locked door.

It did nothing to keep his eyes on Yoseob’s face as his friend fanned himself and slumped in relief when the sound of the girls looking for him faded down the hallway.

Instead, he swallowed hard and tried to remind himself male, friend, strictly off limits!!

“Oh geez, they’ll be back, I know they will, you have got to hide me Doojoon!” Yoseob’s head tilted slightly, the wig they’d forced back on him falling into his face before he brushed it back with an annoyed noise. “Doojoonie?”

“Huh?” Not the most intelligent answer Doojoon had ever come up with, but then, he was sure no one could reasonably be expected to come up withe intelligent answers when the object of their every fantasy for weeks was standing in front of them looking like an invitation for sex.

Yoseob blushed and tugged at the slinky dress the girls had forced him into. “You’re staring.”

“You’re wearing the wig….”

“Huh?” it was Yoseob’s turn to blink in confusion, one hand reaching up to the false hair. Of all the things for Doojoon to focus on…

Before he could pull it off, though, Doojoon was up and crossing the room. He captured Yoseob’s hands and pulled them away. “No, don’t. Just…”

“Doojoonie?” Yoseob’s voice was soft and questioning, but the confusion was fading.

Doojoon supposed it was hard to be confused when your best friend pinned you against a door and pressed the rather unmistakable evidence of his arousal against your fishnet clad legs.

He wasn’t getting slapped or kneed in the groin, so he leaned down to steal the kiss he’d been dreaming about for weeks. There was a moment of hesitance, then Yoseob relaxed into the kiss, opening his mouth under Doojoon’s tongue and letting the older man in.

One kiss became two and then Yoseob was kissing him back with just as much passion.

Doojoon let go of Yoseob’s hands, absently relishing the way they automatically circled his neck while his own hands slipped down and under the short skirt.

“Seobie,” Doojoon whispered against Yoseob’s mouth, not wanting to break their kiss, but not so far gone that he didn’t need to know for sure. “Can I?”

The growled affirmation was swallowed as all hesitation disappeared under Doojoon’s need. He whimpered when his questing hands found only scanty silk between them and their goal.

One day he fully intended to send 4Minute the biggest thank you bouquet he could afford.

It was different, someone else’s cock in his hand. The angle was all wrong and he couldn’t quite get the right grip. With his own growl of frustration, he flipped Yoseob around so that they were spooned, Yoseob’s back to his chest, and that was so much better.

Yoseob tilted his head back against Doojoon’s shoulder, panting hard as Doojoon’s hand stroked him. “D-doojoon.”

Nuzzling Yoseob’s neck, Doojoon brushing aside the long hair with his nose so that he could nibble on the soft skin underneath. Then he bit down, harder than he intended as Yoseob’s ass rubbed hard against his own cock.

The younger man stiffened with a sharp cry, the orgasm hitting him hard. He slumped back against Doojoon, more than a little dazed.

“Did-” he cleared his throat and shook his head, trying to focus. “You, umm…”

Doojoon snorted and nodded his head where it rested against Yoseob’s shoulder. “That wasn’t exactly… as smooth as I’d hoped.”

In none of his fantasies had he cum in his pants.

Yoseob laughed softly, one hand coming up to settle in Doojoon’s hair. “So you’ve thought about this?”

“….” Doojoon bit his lip and considered his options. Then decided to hell with it, because his brains were still trying to unscramble themselves from the best orgasm they’d ridden through in a while. “If I say yes, is that a good thing or will it freak you out?”

Another laugh and then Yoseob was twisting around in his arms and pulling him closer. “I’m still here, aren’t I?”

“Yes.” Sighing, he wrapped both arms around Yoseob and pressed a gentle kiss against the younger man’s lips. “I’ve thought about it.”

“Since when?”

Doojoon blushed slightly and nuzzled the false hair near Yoseob’s ear. “A few weeks?”

The laugh that burst out of Yoseob was full-bodied, but his arms were pulling Doojoon down for another kiss, so the older man couldn’t be too offended. “You really like this wig, don’t you?”

“I like you,” Doojoon insisted.

Yoseob pulled back, grinning. “Granted, but you have to admit it’s a weird kink. I’m in a dress and fishnet and you’re focused on the hair.”

“The silk was a nice touch.”

“The wig I might wear again, for you.” Yoseob’s face scrunched up in distaste. “But even you’re not worth wearing a silk thong again, Doojoonie. Sorry.”

And even though he was sticky and more than a little uncomfortable, Doojoon found himself grinning as he leaned down to kiss Yoseob again. “I think I’ll survive without the silk.”

After all, he already had everything he’d been dreaming of.


nc17, beast, dooseob, fic, humor

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