Artois Legacy: 1.1

Aug 05, 2009 18:16

Bringing another installment of the Artois Legacy ♥! Had to get this posted so I can start up the heir vote ;D.

Where I last left off, August was doing her homework.

And Andy was sleeping so adorably too :D.

August: OOH, I GET IT NOW.

Since the founders aren't going to stay young for very long, I had May paint paintings of her and her husband.

I think August is the only one who eats like this in the house xD.

May came back home from another day of hard rock star work. And she got a promotion! When she got out of the car, she was wearing this outfit.

BUT, it was also her birthday!


Chris fishing. Don't worry, you'll get to see elder!May soon ;D.

August chatting up on AIM/MSN/whatever other instant messenger.

Heeeee ♥

THERE. The backside of May while cooking some spaghetti xD.

Andy reading. Not very interesting, but I don't remember whey I took this besides the fact that it looked cute.



August: You know, I should totally know this because I'm your best friend and all, but are you single :D?
Robbie: Yes, I'm single.
(About them being best friends, it's true. Apparently August became best friends with Robbie without me knowing it. GOOD GIRL, AUGUST.)

Awww ♥

August: Why don't we get together :D?
Robbie: Sure 8D.

And inside the house, Chris and May were sharing loving looks. Awww~

Haha, May still has the guitar skillz.

And August continues to flirt with her new boyfriend.

He randomly went into the bathroom after the queue ran out :O.

What is Andy doing here? Getting to know your future brother-in-law?

. . . THIS LOOKS SO WRONG. (don't worry, they were just playing tag.)

I'm guessing Robbie has neurotic as one of his traits because he was doing this. Smart.

August rolled a wish to gain a writing skill so I sent her to the computer to get that done.

*glare glare glare*

THIS. This is what I make all their money from besides May's job as an (elderly) rock star and Chris' fishing catches XD.

I SEE YOU THERE, CHRIS. For some reason, the public bathrooms in the park make me laugh. But you can only go there if your sim auto commands it themselves.

It's Andy's birthday!

Andy: sleep...
May & Chris: *blows into Andy's ears*

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Andy became so handsome :D. Andy's newest trait is charismatic (I can soooo see it, hehehe)

After his little hair makeover.

And ending this post with Andy still sleeping in his pink bed ♥. His favorite color IS pink after all ;D.

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