Frustration and Determinations

Mar 06, 2006 16:30

So what happens when you realize that the EXTREMELY simple garter stitch rectangle shawl you've been idly working on for months has a dropped stitch halfway down? FROG IT. Unfortunately, this frogging resulted in a lump of yarn that, due to my negligence, turned into this:

It took me a couple hours to de-tangle that. The yarn's Caron Simply Soft, so at least I didn't have to worry about breaking it or anything... but it did generate a significant amount of fuzz. Bah. I think I may just say "screw it" to that one and make something nicer out of that yarn.

Branching Out..... Well, yeah, it's had its issues. I've had my issues with it, including (successfully) fighting the urge to throw it forcefully across the room. Deep breaths and sleeping on it gave me the idea that, rather than frogging it completely, I should just trudge on and see what happens. It won't be perfect, but hell, eventually I'll get it right! And then I'll get some other yarn and make it over again, but by then I'll have the pattern down, and then I'll do it perfectly. Muaha!

Anyway, here's what I have so far:

(Please excuse the TERRIBLE pictures. We have zilch in the way of natural light, and my flash flattens everything out so terribly...)

(with flash)

(without flash. You can see the pattern, kinda!)

(without flash, held up to the light. A little better representation of the pattern.)

(up-close of the WTF?!-inducing pattern crap-out! Hard to see, though...)

Ah well, I shall continue the good fight and resist the temptation to commit seppuku with the very blunt, plastic size 8s.


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