Update of Me!!

Nov 19, 2007 19:10

OK so since my last update I got better LOL!!! Yay me!!! Yes I was sick. I had the freaken Haunt cold plus the fog cough so ya that sucked. Yes I am a freak and since the last update I went to haunt 7 times!!! Ya I know but I was the haunt mama this yr. I love being mama its fun!!! LOL ya people coming up to me with problems and I help them out or ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

zombalupen November 20 2007, 04:33:04 UTC
hey kittenyness! I am sorry we didn't get to hang out this weekend. I really wasn't feeling sociable for various reasons. I'm on a rollercoaster right now.

I hope what I posted before didn't hurt you, it wasn't meant to. *huggles*

We will definitely catch up sometime soon, I promise! Hope you're doing as well as can be. :/


kitschin_witch November 20 2007, 18:59:56 UTC
The full moon is this Saturday, sweets. Sorry about your friend.


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