Hi there! This comment isn't related to this post at all; I've just noticed that you friended me sometime in the last three months or so (the last time I checked) and I have a standard question that I ask all folks who friend my journal. So here we go...
Would you like to be added to my Fics in Progress Babble filter? No actual stories get posted to this filter, in whole or in part. It's just the place where I bitch about problems I'm having with stories, ask for help, post word counts, update folks on the status of works in progress, and other whining. :-) People have to specifically ask to be added to this filter because I refuse to tease people by talking about stories that may never be written or shared unless they knowingly sign up for said teasing.
Comments 5
I'll click! If you are having getting enough clicks though, you can try dragonspam. I occasionally post mine there too.
Would you like to be added to my Fics in Progress Babble filter? No actual stories get posted to this filter, in whole or in part. It's just the place where I bitch about problems I'm having with stories, ask for help, post word counts, update folks on the status of works in progress, and other whining. :-) People have to specifically ask to be added to this filter because I refuse to tease people by talking about stories that may never be written or shared unless they knowingly sign up for said teasing.
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