1301. Can “what you don't know” actually hurt you?
i recon so yeah!! if you dont know what a car is.. it will still hurt if it hits ya!
1302. Are you pondering what I'm pondering?
i highly doubt it!
1303. What people or objects would you describe as “pure”?
pillows!!! ooooh, they always love you... theyre so squishy and fluffy and help you sleep...theyd never betray me :3 thats pretty pure
1304. Are you into bookcrossing (If you aren’t sure, check out www.bookcrossing.com)?
is that where you leave a book somewhere/ pick up random books? i think its a pretty awesome idea!!
1305. Have you ever had a pen pal?
noo! i kept wiritn in to....sugar magazine i think..they had a penpal page..BUT THEY NEVER WROTE BACK ¬¬...bitches ¬¬
1306. Have you ever had a package pal (same as a pen pal but you send each other surprise gifts instead of letters)?
....no.... sounds fun tho XD
1307. Is there a particular word or phrase that annoys you?
guesstimate >> oh and worst...its such a wierd word.. i remember in high school i suddenly stopped for about 5 minutes as i was trying to work out if worst was a word..and why its so wierd?
1308. Is there an online game you like to play?
errrrm, bubble spinner is fun...so is sushi cat!! theyre mini games rather than MMORPG kinda things?
1309. What group of people is the most discriminated against in your opinion or experience?
disabled...actually no! i think just normal people.... healthy, working, happily married people have far less support than several other people!..my dad gets discriminated by the people he works with because he's married, male and is working in the NHS...apparently only gays and women should do that *shrug*
1310. What do you like best about bras and underwear?
they cover up pointy nipples :3
1311. Are you afraid of living in oblivion?
erm..never thought of that...could you even live in oblivion?
1312. Before you were born you got to pick your life from one of these. Which do you pick?-
-You are successful from the start, a musical genius, good looking, wealthy. You become a rock tar, get super famous, make your mark on the world and die at 27.
-you are caring and compassionate. You love animals and adopt more and more as you grow older. You foster and nurture and care for them all of your life.
-You sit home playing video games for 70 years.
Can i have a mixture of all 3?
1313. What is broken in your:
Car? i dont have a car.. but the back right door dosent stay open..its really loose?
School? i dont go to school... but several things were broke there!
House? a plate... i found a chipped plate earlier!!!....yup
Life?- the function of socialising is broke?
Soul?-erm.. i dunno?
Brain? the part that makes me think of answers?
1314. Which one will you fix first?
wel..we get a new car in january... but i'll buy a new plate this weekend
1315. Tell me all your thoughts on god:
oh god i could go on forever... i think there must have been something or someone to creathe everything... if there was a big bang..who put all the elements there in the first place? at the same time, i'd want proof..but if there was proof it would undermine the religion as a whole or something?..i dunno...i could go on for hours on ALL my thoughts... but... i find comfort in praying..even if no-ones listening/answering..sometimes just believing is enough. i find it helps me cope :)
1316. What is the strangest note you've ever received?
someone passed me a post-it note in class once saying 'who are you again?' that was pretty wierd..i just passed it to someone else XD
1317. Of the following how many can be used to get in touch with you?
Voice mail-yup
Cell phone-yup
Snail mail-wtf?
1318. Are you always available/easy to reach, or do you give people a chance to miss you?
erm, im home 90% of the time, and my mobile is always on, unless im underground or up hospital with mum. so yeah im pretty easy to reach :)
1319. If you got pregnant or impregnated the person you are with now (hypothetical if there is no one in your life just now) would you lean more towards keeping, adopting out, or aborting the baby?
well...i dont think i could say until i was in that situation.. id be more inclined to keep a baby..if its due to something myself n someone else has done butat the same time..where im at in life at the moment, it would be cruel of me to raise a child i cant look after.
1320. If your partner in the pregnancy did not agree with how you felt and pressured you to change your mind or just went ahead with what he or she wanted to do against your wishes, would that affect your ability to continue your relationship with this person?
yeah... im open to compromise n stuff...but if they were dead set against what i wannted to do, then yeah,,,i'd be pretty bummed!
1321. Who should have the final say in the decision to have a baby, the woman or the man?
the woman i think. considering its her carrying it!..aborting a baby is a medical procedure!! i think its up to the woman wether she dose that or not.. it can have side effects.. as can actually giving birth to the child!... i think the woman should have final say tho as its her body basically. but the guy in the situation should be allowed thier opinion?
1322. If your boyfriend or girlfriend cheats on you for the first time, do you forgive him or her and take him or her back?
erm.. i guess i'd be pretty darn pissed..but i wouldnt know unless it happens... if it was one time..and a drunken mistake.. id proboly be mad at first..but proboly come to forgive them..if it had been going on a while then no. :/
1323. What if it is your husband or wife that cheats on you?
then i think its a different matter :/ you take vow's and promise to cherish each other and everything so its only fair you keep to your word :/
1324. Who is more responsible for educating children, parents or schools?
both! parents should teach them about life, manners, stuff?...and schools should teach them all the kinda factual and informative stuff??
1325. Are you into new age things?
i used to be into tarot reading and reiki n stuff..but im kinda over it now?
1326. Are you very:
Nervous? in certain situations yeah
Anxious? i used to be anxious like 24/7...but i seem to be managing it alot ALOT!!!! better..the fact i can actually sleep now is good!
High strung? erm... if by high strung you mean kinda..short fused, i can be... but if its like high strung as in snooty?..i dont think so?
Organized? GOD NO!! im organised with other peoples stuff tho?
Tense? not really..only when im nervous?
Rigid?what, i cant reach my toes if thats what you mean?
Skeptical? yeah XD
1327. Do you perceive reality differently from others?
everyone dose!! whats right for some is wrong to others... i dont think anyone see's everything the same as others?
1328. If you asked someone, “Do you masturbate?” and he or she says, “No,” would you assume he or she was lying?
proboly not.. most of the people i'd ask are pretty open about stuff! i know alot of people that dont enjoy masturbation.. so each to thier own.
1329. What do you blame things on?
myself...or the cat XD
1330. Do you want to be naked and famous?
1331. Ice Cube or LL Cool J?
Ice cube :3
1332. What are your feelings about rap music?
i like it! im not a massive fan that i'd go out n buy an album,... but artists like busdriver are pretty cool!
1333. Cypress Hill or Roxy Music?
BSB or N'sync or NKOTB?
N*sync <3
Debbie Gibson or Paula Abdul?
paula abdul!...c'mon! she danced with a cat!
Eminem or Kid Rock?
Weezer or the Get Up Kids?
1334. If you could solve just one of the world's problems what would you choose to solve?
erm.. id like to solve pverty maybe? or like MAJOR medical problems...
1335. Would you make a good:
Counselor? i dunno, i like to listen to peoples problems, but im bad at finding solutions wothout being patronising :/
Visual artist? naw..im not that creative :/
Teacher? only if it was young kids when they love school n teachers!
Pilot? no way!! i'd hate to have that much responsibility!!
Secretary? i think id get bored ?
Cashier? i was an amazing cashier :D
Waiter or waitress? erm, i guess.. but im terrible at balancing stuff XD
Veterinary assistant? no XD...id get too attached to the animals :3
Office manager? naw, i dont think i could be a manager.. i'd never say no XD
Stage manager? i cant even manage myself!
Actor or actress? id like to be an actress.. but i can get to shy and also im a bit of a chubster!
Sales girl or guy? not an over the phone sales person..i stutter on the phone n get nervous
Pizza delivery girl or guy? if i could drive sure!
Film director? oh lord, i was terrible with directing.. i'll edit thanks :P
Business man or woman? i dont look good in a suit!
CEO? No...
Surgeon? no!!! oh lord.. id hate to have that much responsibility
Fire man or woman? no...id proboly get hypnotised by the flames XD
Cop? naw... because id think everyone was innocent
1336. Do you check condoms to see if they are expired before using them?
dont use them :/ but proboly would..i check the dates on EVERYTHING!
1337. Imagine you are in school and a person of the opposite sex you barely know asks you really nicely for a ride home from class (yes, you have a car). It's out of your way. Do you say yes?
i'd proboly be like 'sorry i cant tonight gotta pick something up' but once i knew them better it'd be fine
Let's say you said yes. S/he hugs you. What is your reaction?
i'd proboly be fine n say no problemo!
As you drop him or her off s/he hugs you again and thanks you for being such a nice person. What do you make of all this?
i'd think aww bless.. what a huggy guy..perhaps he's gay?... NAW XD i'd proboly think...oh god....is he into me :S
1338. Are you interested in post-apocalyptic (post-nuclear war) movies?
not really no
1339. What is the saddest movie you ever saw?
eeeerrrrm....i cant remember the last sad film i watched ?
1340. What is the saddest thought you can think of?
i dont wanna think of one!!! but ..i guess dying relatives :(
1341. Who is the most horrible driver you know?
OH GOD!! lisa proboly...she's been taking driving lessons since we moved here... 3 years ago!!! and apparently she was learning 2 years befor ethat but hasnt passed yet XD
1342. Are you a sexist in any way?
yeah proboly.
1343. How often do you check your email?
erm.... im on the laptop about 3X a day...and i check my email whenever one pops up..so it depends on how much i get XD
1344. How often do you check your diary for notes?
i dont keep one :S
1345. If you had to read a biography about someone, who would you pick?
stephen fry is pretty cool :/ or paul o grady
1346. Which of your friends and relatives has the most interesting life story?
Both my parents have pretty cool stories...especially my dads dad n grandad XD my grandad used to pretend to be a sergant in the war, so he could send out peopole mail for them..and then he somehow promoted himself..and no-one new XD..and his dad got arrested on a train outside of east london (around the war time?) and got arrested for speaking yiddish XD...passengers thought he was a german spy XD
1347. What's the matter with kids today?
too much sugar and not enough hugs!
1348. How do you feel about censorship?
i think its worth it! but like several people say why dont they censor the news!
1349. What was on the last CD you burned?
erm... i thinkk it was the Bleach soundtrack for rach.... havent burnt a CD in ages!!
1350. What movie should be released on DVD but hasn’t been released yet?
erm...saw 7?
1351. Have you ever wished for wings that work?
as a kid yeah :3
1352. Have you ever imagined that you are not really of this world?
no xD
1353. Did you have an imaginary friend as a child?
kinda... i had a stuffed toy bear (still do) and i used to bring my bear down for dinner and force mum to leave out an extra plate
1354. Do you still have imaginary friends?
no XD
1355. Do you enjoy reading children’s books?
yeah!!!! im simple minded so the short words are easy to read
1356. Are you decadent?
decadent.. *googles* oh..i dont think so no?
1357. What would make you happy that money cannot buy?
my parents health
1358. What would make you happy that money can buy?
more money?
1359. Where do you hang out on your spare time?
the sofa.....or my bed...... wow im adventurous
1360. Do you delight in minor euphoria?
wah....i guess euphoria is a good thing..a GREAT thing..so anyone would delight from it
1361. It's (what time is it?) ______.
Do you know where your:
Mom is? up in bed
Dad is? up in bed
First boyfriend or girlfriend is? proboly out in a park hanging with his lil possy drinking n stuff :/
Boy or girlfriend is? imagainary land?
Best friend is? dont have one.. i love all my frineds :)
Soul mate is? god only knows
Wallet is? in the kitchen drawer
1362. Who do you feel sorry for?
my cat...shes such a miserable looking thing :(
1363. What will you never say in front of your parents?
erm..... i'd proboly never tell them how much i stress over them XD...im open with my parents about everything (except smoking XD)
1364. Do you change your personality and behavior depending on who you are with?
yeah ...havent you asked this?
1365. Are you waiting for marriage to lose your virginity?
erm, not really no. i'll have sex when im ready.. if thats not till im married then fine by me :>)
1366. What year were you born?
1367. What is your sign?
biohazard!...naw im a Leo/Snake
1368. What year did you/will you graduate from high school?
1369. Do you use moisturizer?
sometimes :) usually before i go out with people or if im wearing short clothes :/
1370. On what parts of your body?
legs and arms... but i do my neck/shoulders and back alot more often (well...mum dose)
1371. Are the 70's back in style?
i think everything is!
1372. Do you read any magazines?
not reeeally no. i'll buy a glossy mag if im going on the train tho :/
1373. Do you read before going to sleep at night?
1374. Are you a music maker?
not really no..
1375. Are you a dreamer of the dreams?
hahaha what?...when i sleep i always dream, so i guess?
1376. How do you feel about large corporations?
i dont feel anything?....theyre just therE?
1377. How do you feel about people who are, “just doing their job”?
nothing! each to thier own!
1378. Which would you watch of these choices:
Pitch black
The mummy- THIS ONE!!!... wait is it the original one.. or the one with brendan fraiser?..either way id watch XD
Pretty woman
1380. About what percent of the time do you feel good about yourself?
30% maybe
1381. Do you feel comfortable with other people (in social situations)?
depends who. im pretty comfortable around people i know and trust obviously..but around new people im awkward
1382. Do you have good friends/family relationships?
i'd like to think so. im closer to my family than friends as im with family like 90% friends 10%
1383. How do you control your tension and anxiety?
badly XD.... usually if im angry or anxious i just say that i am, accept it and move on.. im trying not to dwell on it anymore
1384. Are you able to meet the demands of life and function in society?
erm... currentyl no?
1385. Do you curb your feelings of hatred and guilt?
i try to yeah,...i have a habbit of having bad thoughts about things..and then feeling really guilty :S
1386. Do you maintain a positive outlook?
i try to... but i will always slip into negativity XD
1387. Does knowing you enrich the lives of others?
huh.... okay i think you mean by other people knowing me right?... i dunno.... id like to think so..its proboly more of a hassle tho XD
1388. What things do you cherish?
family and friends
1389. To what extent do you value diversity?
erm... i dunno.. i tend to kinda ignore it maybe?
1390. What fascinates you?
GYMNASTS!!!!!... the way they can throw thier bodies around and the strength n stamina!! bloody hell!
1391. Do you appreciate nature?
id like to say yes... but im not all hippy dippy other stuff?
1392. If you could be someone else for a day who would you be?
hmmmm.... the queen maybe... just to have a feeling of somewhat power?
1393. Would you ever consider 'psychic surgery' if you were ill?
erm.. i think if i had enough faith in it then yeah!! id love to see it work..but sadly i think its kinda a placebo?
How about voodoo?
erm.. i dunno... voodoo is both good and bad... so....proboly not :?
Herbal remedies?
ive tried some!!! and they can be really good...but again several others are placebo's
1394. How effective do you feel meditation is?
i think its very effective!! i used to meditate a lot but i just cant seem to relax enough to benifit from it :/
1395. How effective do you feel prayer is?
pffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff... i dunnoo.... i think its effective as a way of comfort,but i dunno about it being a definitive answer?
1396. How do you think that you (or anyone, for that matter) could pray without ceasing?
1397. Is religion a live option for you (that is, a possibility, something you are drawn to even if you have no belief)?
yeah, i love the idea of religion... i think its comforting, it brings people together (i know it also causes wars n shiz) and also i like to see people have faith in something
1398. What part of your body do you lavish the least attention and love on?
my stomach proboly...or my body in general...im very sloppy at looking after myself
1399. How many clocks are in your house?
erm.... lots...most dont work XD
1400. What topics would you like to see more of on this survey?
erm..i like opinon ones... but im usually very confused on my own opinions XD