Locked up.

Jan 11, 2007 18:07

I mostly use this journal for communities, so there won't be many entries.
Regardless, if you know me then feel free to add me!

I used to be slutkissgirl but you know me, I change journals more often than I change my socks (I actually don't change my socks that often, but let's not get into that).


x My name's Kayleigh. My friends call me Kayjay or Kitty, so I suggest you do so too.

x I live in merry old England with my mum & little brother. My dad is an abusive dickhead, don't even ask.

x I'm seventeen & I'm taking A-Levels in English Literature, Theatre Studies, & Religious Studies.

x I want to study Creative Writing at university & eventually become a writer or a journalist.

x I LOVE reading, writing, & basically anything to do with English literature.

x I also obsess over other languages (including Icelandic, Norwegian, Russian, Czech, Polish, Japanese, Mandarin)

x I'm a strong atheist. Don't try & convince me there is a god. I've seen too much & am completely convinced that there is nothing. If you're strongly religious, I doubt we'll get on very well.

x I guess I'd label myself as bisexual, or at least biromantic? I've only ever been properly "interested" in girls, but right now I'm in love with a guy... who could just be my one exception? I'm not sure.

x My favourite band right now is Nirvana, but I like a HUGE list of other bands.

x My favourite TV shows are House M.D (♥ Cameron ♥), Dead Like Me, & Firefly.

x I've been diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder, & Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, which should explain the "weirdness" & "awkwardness" everyone seems to pick up on.

x I completely suck at making friends. When I'm hypomanic my anxiety practically goes away, but any other time it's absolutely crippling. If I don't comment you or reply to anything, it means I'm feeling painfully shy at that moment in time. I have one real friend at school & about three acquaintances ("acquaintances" meaning people you don't get past "hi, how are you?" with), & because of my abusive childhood I don't trust people easily so it takes a while until I let anyone in. Sorry. =/

x I get ill very often (& I've also been diagosed with M.E & Fibroymalgia). I miss a lot of school so don't be surprised if I rant a lot about various aches & pains.

x I'm obsessed with rainbows & stripey colourful things.

x If, by this point, you've been totally put off then feel free to de-friend me... I don't see the point in pretending to be somebody I'm not.