The Big Damn SGA List

Nov 07, 2007 12:22

Also known as, fanfic to write after Nano:

1. Michael (or some other humanized Wraith), for whatever reason, is frantically attempting to save someone's life via CPR. This person has... whatever, drowned, been electrocuted, what have you. CPR is not working. Michael, in a futile and not-entirely-stable attempt to revive the person, attempts to do that reverse life sucking thing that Wraith apparently can do. Only, being humanised or at least mostly humanised... can't. Person dies.

2. (Alternatively, Michael or some other humanised Wraith zigs instead of zags and actually winds up life-sucking the person rather than bringing them back to life, and the stress of it causes the person to expire. Or they reverse the life-sucky in mid... life-sucky.)

3. Sheppard/Kaylee

4. Crack!fic involving Teyla and Michael's child. More crack!fic, if age works it into Only Human

5. Two words: Atlantis Babiez

6. Five Times Ronon Shot Sheppard

7. Michael with small children. Not eating them.
7a. Michael on the kiddie planet.
7b. Michael being domestic. Bonus points if knitting, needlepoint, etc is involved. Bonus points for baby in one hand and tablet computer in the other.

8. Someone (dangerous) seduces Teyla; Sheppard and Michael join forces to kick ass and take back their woman. (Ronon may grudgingly and grumblingly join in.)

9. Shep/Keller's first kiss, snapshot fic. 1 drunk, 1 sober

10. the non-Michael/Teyla-much more-Teyla/Shep version of the Shep blurting it out finally fic.

11. Ronon vs Riddick

12. Teyla is captured by Michael's old Queen, and Shep, Michael, and Ronon must join forces to rescue her. Perhaps Teyla kicks the Queen's ass and winds up with her own Hive.

13. Fruity Oaty Bar makes Shep evil. Inspired by:

14. Teyla lied about the Athosian boyfriend. She had to come up with a cover story on the spot; the baby's Michael's. Cue head-explodie.

15. The retrovirus works. Beckett isn't asleep when Michael comes back with nightmares. Michael and Teyla fall in love. Michael's telepathic mojo is explained away by Evil Alien Experiments. This also explains nightmares and any traces of Wraith DNA (Teyla has it too, after all.) Michael may or may not discover what he is later. Much later. Special attention to Doppelganger, where Evil!Shep hunts him and taunts him and tells him he's an abomination who doesn't deserve to live, and the conversation that he and Real!Shep have afterwards.

16. Sheppard/Queen. Somehow, it must be written. With the Queen being a Squishy Wraith.

17. Sheppard/Queen-raised-by-humans, vaguely Ellia. Should be interesting. He can be all conflicted and Teyla can roll her eyes and Ronon can stare at him as though he's gone insane.

18. SGA/Firefly. Shep/Inara to As The World Falls Down

19. SGA/Firefly. Inara + McKay = Bibbling Idiot McKay
19a. Inara + Anyone = various funny scenarios.

20. Michael gets possessed by a Goa'uld.

21. Shep marries pregnant Teyla whether or not he's the father, because it actually forces him to say something and the father isn't in the picture. Done

22. Inara/Shep married with children
22a. "Daddy, I have a date with Freddy on Friday!" *Kawhoosh*
22b. Inara, kids, a panic room, and a city of Reavers
22c. Inara and John making the decision to have kids
22d. John telling bedtime stories and/or helping the kids at craft time

23. Pursuant to the Inara-as-diplomat-being-hit-on-by-male-dignitary: Aereon turns out to be a stand up guy, apologizes to John for hitting on his woman, apologizes to Inara for being crass, and asks for a dance with her at some point around the two but keeps it clean and polite and not at all ... yeah.

24. Inara/Jack Harkness. Brief fling at a party, unattached Inara with, well. Captain Jack.

25. Inara/Jack O'Neill. Brief... non-fling at a party, they also split off but just go somewhere and talk and maybe have a goodnight kiss but that's it.

26. Inara/Jack Harkness/John Sheppard, wherein any fooling around is done as a result of both of them (after Jack, more sober and happy, has been hitting on them both impartially) finding Jack drunk and clingy/maudlin and take him away somewhere private so that foolishness is not done and One Thing Leads To Another. Somehow. Explaining how would probably require me writing it out slowly and figuring out how in the frozen hell Shep goes along with it. Because Inara would probably be steering Jack's more amorous attentions onto her just to keep Shep from being wigged out.

27. Sheppard becomes a Goa'uld host. Voluntary. Involuntary.

28. Ronon/Keller

29. Shep and the crew surfing off one of the piers on Atlantis.

30. Shep = the Man, Archivist = The Best Friend, Larrin = The Other Woman

31. Post-The Ark conversation about family, why that person would do what he did for the loss, Ronon taking the side of sympathy, Rodney taking the side of cold logic, and Sheppard thinking about how maybe he can't live without her, or something like that, and maybe he ought to do something about that.

32. Michael and Todd, friendship
32a. Michael and Todd out drinking
32b. If Todd had been on Michael's Hive, or the Hive Michael ended up on...

33. Rodney being stalked by lemons

34. [23:00] age (for those who don’t know, each wedding anniversary is associated with a traditional gift. For instance, 6 years is iron, 7 is copper, 8 is electrical appliances, 9 is pottery, and 10, apparently, is massage oil and not, as I erroneously assumed, shrapnel).
[23:01] kittydesade .... Suddenly I have this image of Inara picking out shrapnel from John on their 10th wedding anniversary during which their 2nd honeymoon type trip got ambushed.
[23:02] age Ahahahahahahahaha!
[23:02] age Oh, that has to be added now.

35. Todd and Michael vying for Teyla's affections.

36. The impact, emotionally/mentally, of Teyla as Queen and Todd as her loyal subject, etc.

writing prompts, plotbunnies, fandom - stargate atlantis

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