
Dec 10, 2003 02:26

ok.. he just told me that he likes me.

i need to not freak out on him..

cuz that would suck for him..

and me.

the bastardface

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Comments 4

kymirah December 12 2003, 08:24:35 UTC
omg ! which guy ? which guy ?
Hey I miss you on Xanga ! I go there to check things out and you're still gone.

Thank you for your comments on my recent trauma. I'm having a difficult time dealing. Very strange stuff. You right, though...a total dickhead. It's not fair I get to get burned twice over this idiot. I wonder what in the heck I did to deserve this crap...ugh.


kittyliverwart December 16 2003, 11:31:43 UTC
"which guy?" ahhahaha.. am i that waffly?!?! >=P


anonymous December 12 2003, 23:12:20 UTC
bastardface didn't read the 10 rules of dating kittyliverwart. He in deep shiet now


kittyliverwart December 16 2003, 11:32:20 UTC
yep yep.. poor boy. hes going down! >=)


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