I didn't like it that much. Rainbow Dash is my least favorite pony but every episode that's featured her has been a favorite so far as I remember. Weird too, bceause Corey Powell also wrote Sleepless in Ponyville which is one of the best.
The Wonderbolts are dicks. I didn't see that coming really. And basically it's the Shadowbolts dilemma again.
I liked seeing Derpy! I sort of wish she would become a permanent member of the team somehow.
It didn't make sense to me that the relay team would include Fluttershy and to a lesser degree, Snowflake (now Biceps Bulge). Where were all the pegasi from Winter Wrap-up and Hurricane Fluttershy? I guess it worked in terms of establishing the Ponyville team as a weak one.
I loved seeing Thunderlane talk.
I do love seeing Biceps, I think he is such a funny character. And he pranced around in the dress Rarity made. (Those weren't particularly good designs for a flying team but w/e)
Pinkie was a great cheerleader! Very cute in her rainbow wig.
And the Wonderbolts pin at the end... assuming this has to do with the keys for the box. A pony gets challenged in some way, gets a "key" and all 6 of them open it? Since Pinkie didn't get one last week, she should get hers in a future episode.