What the fucking hell?

Jan 24, 2004 20:12

Okay, so.. Bryan hates me again. Wtf? I have no idea. Infact, I guess that he just never stopped hating me from the last time.

xN i k k e r: Anyway, though.. how are you?
xN i k k e r: If you don't mind my asking.
llokithegrey: not so bad, makin me some bacon, cause I'm hungrt.
llokithegrey: *y*
xN i k k e r: Bacon is good
llokithegrey: yep. maple smoked bacon. yum.
xN i k k e r: It's been a long time since we've really talked.. have anything interesting going on, by chance?
llokithegrey: not really, not at all.
llokithegrey: just been fightin downtown... playin my music, hangin with the girlfriend.
xN i k k e r: Well, that's good, then
xN i k k e r: My life's been uneventful since around new years, kinda sucks but it could be worse I suppose
llokithegrey: yup
llokithegrey: you still there?
llokithegrey: perfect
llokithegrey: is lon over there?
xN i k k e r: I am still here, actually
xN i k k e r: and no.. he isn't
llokithegrey: good.
xN i k k e r: he hasn't been here in four weeks or so
xN i k k e r: Why do you ask?
llokithegrey: Good. He needed that.
xN i k k e r: Heh...
llokithegrey: just curious.
xN i k k e r: It was kind of random, though
xN i k k e r: Sure there was no reason?
llokithegrey: we're just wondering where he is. Making sure he didn't break and go to your house.
xN i k k e r: I see..
xN i k k e r: It'd be useful if I could talk to him, though, because I've been meaning to talk to him about something for a while.. but I haven't the chance
xN i k k e r: so oh well..
llokithegrey: It's for the better that he doesn't talk to you.
xN i k k e r: Except the fact that there's something I need to talk to him about, and infact, have been needing to for about four weeks.
xN i k k e r: Seems like you're rather against him and I having contact, then?
llokithegrey: I've been against you and his contact from day three.
xN i k k e r: Why? If I dare ask.
xN i k k e r: Unless you don't have a reason, that is.
xN i k k e r: Which I'm assuming, considering your lack of responce.
llokithegrey: Oh, there's a reason. I just don't want Lon yelling at me for saying it. He's protective of everyone. You're lucky he's nice.
xN i k k e r: Tell me the reason. I can't talk to Lon anyway.
llokithegrey: Doesn't matter. Don't worry about it.
llokithegrey: :-)
xN i k k e r: I think you're lying and just have no reason, then.
xN i k k e r: Because there's no other reason for you to not tell me
llokithegrey: So think that I'm lying. Go for it. I know my reasons, ad I say them not, for respect of my best friend.
llokithegrey: It's a respect thing, Nikki. I'm sorry you don't understand.
xN i k k e r: Okay then
xN i k k e r: I guess I shouldn't understand hating my best friend's ex for no good reason
llokithegrey: I'm sure if you think hard enough, you'll find the reason. Hell, if you put that brain of yours to work AT ALL, you'll figure it out.
xN i k k e r: Oh wow, I'm so amazingly unintelligent now I see. Lowering yourself down to a middleschooler, now?
llokithegrey: I'm just pointing out your lack of observing the obvious.
xN i k k e r: Well if it's so obvious then there's no harm in telling me, ne?
llokithegrey: *sigh*
xN i k k e r: Rendezvous..
llokithegrey: ..That was a completely random word.
xN i k k e r: No, it's not.
xN i k k e r: This is all just like last summer.
xN i k k e r: You hate me for no good reason, and when I ask why, you simply sigh, to avoid tellimg me.
llokithegrey: I believe you mean *De Ja Veous* Not rendeveous.
xN i k k e r: Well, okay, I
xN i k k e r: 'm an idiot.
llokithegrey: I'm not avoiding telling you.
llokithegrey: I would be more than happy to tell you.
xN i k k e r: Then tell me.
llokithegrey: Though I respect Lon too much to let it out.
llokithegrey: I thought I told you this.
xN i k k e r: I'm sure.
llokithegrey: I have respect for someone, I know this might be new to you, but it's something that humans do for one another.
xN i k k e r: Oh wow, tell me more of these human emotions.
xN i k k e r: Please, go on, I'd like to know more so I can be more human one day.
llokithegrey: Is this what you do all day? Sit there and find flaws in someones reasonings?
xN i k k e r: Sure. Why not.
llokithegrey: You're pointing out the most ridiculous things to ridicule me on.
xN i k k e r: Okay.
llokithegrey: Fact being: I am not going to go out of my way to get my best friend mad at me. Though he really shouldn't care about you anymore.
xN i k k e r: Mmkay.
xN i k k e r: Why did you mention it in the first place, then?
llokithegrey: You asked.
xN i k k e r: Not completely.. infact, it wasn't just one of us who brought this up. We both did.
llokithegrey: Okay. You kept prying though.
xN i k k e r: But still. I thought you didn't hate me anymore?
xN i k k e r: At least, from what I last knew you didn't.
xN i k k e r: Or is hate not the word for this situation. Because you haven't said that, not yet at least.
llokithegrey: That was just a mask to put on. Again, out of respect for Lon. I figured, he liked you, I might as well give you a chance.
xN i k k e r: Figured as much..
xN i k k e r: I don't understand you, though. Or maybe I am overlooking the obvious.
xN i k k e r: There's generally no harm in stating the obvious, you know.
llokithegrey: For the most part.
xN i k k e r: At least this time, I can't say that it was a rude awakening to you hating me.
llokithegrey: When have I used that word, recently? Such a strong emotion.
xN i k k e r: And considering the somewhat of a glare you gave me as you walked by me through the halls the other day, I can't say I didn't half expect it, either.
xN i k k e r: Well, I never said you did use it. Infact, earlier I asked if it's not the word I should use.
xN i k k e r: What word would you like me to use?
llokithegrey: And I think I generally look away, not glare.
llokithegrey: Pick a word, any word.
xN i k k e r: No.. there was somewhat of a glare, the other day.
llokithegrey: Oh. Okay then.
xN i k k e r: Not that it matters..
xN i k k e r: But ..dislike? How's that sound?
llokithegrey: Sure that works.
xN i k k e r: And you know, since you dislike me so much, I should probably stop bothering you anyway.
llokithegrey: Good plan.

And for those of you who didn't know about last time he did this..:
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