
Feb 24, 2008 20:19

Long time no see...right?! Hopefully you won't have all forgotten me. Heres a little icon post.

PS. I am fully aware that there are requests unfilled but unfortunately i'm gonna have to bow out of that commitment with tonnes of apologies.


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actor:adambrody, actress:sandraoh, actress:allisonmack, actress:marykateandashleyolsen, actress:zooeydeschanel, actress:katewalsh

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Comments 13

jude_judith82 February 24 2008, 21:31:12 UTC
Where have you been? LOL. Awesome icons. I love the rounded corners.


unique_kiwi February 24 2008, 21:50:38 UTC
lol. i knows. i've been very awol lately. RL is crazy crazy!! Thank you.


sadiebabi February 24 2008, 21:59:37 UTC
I love the Mka and the Allison Mack icons! Very pretty! :)
Hope to see more from you... ;p


unique_kiwi February 25 2008, 18:35:24 UTC
thank you. hopefully will have time to make more at some point!


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unique_kiwi February 25 2008, 18:34:41 UTC
thank you. i'm alive.....just very awol at the moment. crazy crazy final year at uni...graduation and exams coming up...and then preparing to start teacher training. plus learning to drive and all the rest of RL stress. lol.


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unique_kiwi February 25 2008, 18:33:23 UTC
I'm alive!! Yay!! lol.

Glad you likes! *hugs*


creativeelf February 25 2008, 04:16:54 UTC
Wonderful Icons! :D I have truly missed them! Good to see you back and making some art Lauren! I know you are busy so don't worry about the requests. I barely have time to make icons as well..well actually no time. I love the zooey ones lol, did you happen to see Tin Man???? You need to if you havent! Hope you are doing well though!


unique_kiwi February 25 2008, 18:32:11 UTC
Thatnk youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!! lol. Life isvery crazy at the mo....my muse doesn't even have time to fit in but i'm slowly getting back inot iconning. Although i have been awol from LJ for a loooong time!

Glad you like the icons....i had a bit of a panic cause i looked at them at work and the looked super saturated...but they look normal on home comp.


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