andy and chris's car was broken into and andy's laptop stolen in our driveway the other night. eva was broken into too. it's making me paranoid
i think i have worms... i have many reasons backing this up. either that or i'm dying. meh.
went skiing. twas icy but very fun.
reading an awesome book...will go to that shortly. after i post a
Just Smile And Nod.x]
These are gonna be pretty off the wall..x]]
What color is your computer keyboard?: silver
Would you prefer laptops or desktops? And why?: depends
McDonalds. Nasty or Delicious?: meh
Do you have any guilty pleasures?: of course
Have you ever had dental floss that was not white? If so, what ccolor?: duh. i've had blue and green
Where is your favorite place to order pizza from?: bertucci's
What's the background on your cell phone, if you have one?: it used to be a kitten. now i think it's gizzie
Nirvana. Legends or garbage?: meh
Do you know what a spork is?: OF COURSE!!!
Do you eat your soup with a fork or a spoon?: depends on the soup. ramen gets a fork. most others are spooned
Do you save up old newspapers?: yup. ferret poop and recycling
What are you allergic to?: chocolate
What color is your favorite blanket?: actually
Have you ever watched the sun come up?: many a time
Have you been Featured Member yet?: huh?
How old are you?: 22
Have you ever had a pipe leak or bust in your house/garage/basement?: indeed
Do you like rocking or rolley or spinny chairs best?: rolley + spinny = SO MUCH FUN
What's your favorite television show?: dunno. dirty jobs maybe or mythbusters. really anything discovery channel
Do you have a basement?: yes.
If so, what color are the walls?: in arlington i think they're white/gray cement. in lowell i'm too scared to go in the basement
Do you write with pens or pencils?: pens mostly
If you said pencils, regular or mechanical?: i go through different phases
Do you hang up wreaths at Christmas time?: no
Do you put a star at the top of the tree, or an angel?: monkey
Is there carpet in your house, or hard wood floor?: carpet in lowell
Sum up your day for me. x]: go to work, get yelled at, kill cats
Do you buy any certain magazine?: no
Did you steal the cookies from the cookie jar?q: i wish i had a cookie jar]
Do you have a favorite movie?: many
What level are you on, on Guitar Hero?: awesome
Do you like Instant Messenging Programs?: nah
Do you eat dinner at a certain time, the same time, everyday?: noooo
Your cell phone. Slider, Flip, or Old style?: flip
Do you prefer texting or just picking up the phone and calling?: depends
Is your house a one story, or 2+?: we live on the third floor
Have you ever seen Reba?: once or twice
Does music play a significant role in your life?: indeed
What are your favorite bands/singers?: wifs, ghost mice, amanda palmer
Don't you hate all this annoying "Twilight" talk?: i don't really get it
Did you ever have a Gameboy Color? [hah]: gameboy...not color
Do you remember the show "The Wild Thornberry's?: yeah, kinda
What about Rugrats?: of course!
Do you log into Bzoink everytime you get on, or have "remember me" checked?: no
What's your favorite type of survey to take? Bzoink Original or Statistic?: i dunno
Do you have a laser mouse or ball mouse?: pad thingy on the laptop
Do you think pick-up lines are annoying and cheesy, or cute and funny?: hilarious
Do you prefer drinking out of mugs or regular cups?: mugs
Have you ever road a horse?: road? no, but i perhaps rode one
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