I try to solve one problem at a time. Today's problem was the guy who writes on the walls at work. I sent him this e-mail.
Dear sir,
I'm very glad that you seem to have a craving for cock, but if you don't mind I would greatly appreciate it if you would stop posting your contact information upon my bathroom walls. We have had to paint over them twice now and you have written upon the walls a 3rd time. I assure you that there are better methods for meeting males that wish to have you provide your oral sex expertise. I suggest trying myspace, as it seems to work wonders for many, and is free. Yahoo is also free to a point, as well as many other sites that will aid you in your search for male genitals. Again, I bear you no ill will in your desires, I just wish for you to stop vandalizing my property.
Good luck and happy hunting.
I'm also quite upset that I have no energy for friends, practice, fiancees, or myself. I am dying for a new job, but no one is willing to throw me a bone. Le sigh.