Title: What is Untold
Rating: PG-13, Crack
Pairing: 2min… I guess
Summary: Some things are better left secrets
Notes: Wikipedia doesn’t lie
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They ran.
They had to run.
Any slower and they’d be captured.
Taemin tried his best to keep up with the longer-legged boy, but in the end, he was more being dragged than anything. Thank God Minho had taken the initiative and grabbed his wrist. For one thing, the younger boy surely would have died without him, and secondly, he simply wasn’t fast enough on his own to escape the approaching doom. Crack! Taemin’s foot landed on a dry branch, causing Minho to glance over his shoulder, panicked. Despite how swiftly they were running, they were also trying their best to be silent, and now, they most surely had been found. A bellowing, infuriated roar resounded throughout the forest they were sprinted through, frightening the hiding birds, now just distant silhouettes on the setting sun.
“Faster!” Minho urged, the grip on the other boys wrist tightening. Taemin, however, was becoming short of breath. His energy was quickly leaving him, and not even a full triplet of strides bypassed before he tripped over her own feet. “Get up!” While getting the younger to his feet had been his full intention, it was more trouble than it was worth. He could hear the approaching beast - feel its hurried steps, more than eager to bring death to their front door. In the end, Minho ended up scooping the boy up and over his shoulder, then dashed off with almost more speed than he had before.
“Hyung…” his breath was low; a shallow, harsh whisper against his lovers ears, lest the slightest noise draw the beast to them, “… are we going to die?”
“No. Just be qui-” The roar again, and now the steps were more clear than ever. Taemin’s eyes widened with horror as the trees behind the cracked, some falling in on themselves. The dreaded beast approached; a horrendous cat-like creature, its obscurely colored hide a mish-mash of black, maroon and turquoise, furious eyes giving off the illusion of being lined with glitter. Bizarre as its image was, the Keymera was set to kill. “Shit!” A sudden burst of adrenaline caused Minho to run that much faster. If they could just find someplace to hide until the sun was completely down… There! A short distance away was the vague silhouette of a cabin, but they needed to distract the awful Keymera if they had any hopes of escaping. “Taemin,” he began, “do it!”
“R-really?” If it were possible, he seemed that much more terrified, “If you say so hyung…” The boys brow furrowed, and while he was strongly opposed to doing this, it may have been the only way to get out alive. “Key-umma!” He shouted behind them, the raging beast narrowing it’s mascara-caked optics. Suddenly, Taemin pointed off in a random direction. “The traveler over there! He’s wearing socks with sandals!”
“WHAT!?” Success! Though it left the Keymera more bloodthirsty than he had been, it was an effective technique to throw them off their trail. Screaming some threat along the lines of ‘ripping off his legs and sewing them to his elbows,’ the multicolored body of the Keymera disappeared into the forest. With equal speed, Minho had reached the cabin door, flinging it open and dragging them both inside. All was quiet for the moment; they needed to hide, and they needed to hide quickly - they didn’t have much time! They took to hiding underneath the abandoned bed, pulling the sheets down just slightly to hide any bit of exposed flesh.
And soon, he returned. “Taaeeemiiin!” Key screamed. They could tell by his voice that things were winding down, and had they looked out the window, they would have seen the diva much more human, and much more worn out, “I’ll teach… teach you…” he huffed, feet dragging as he walked right passed the cabin, “ to… part your hair in the middle… ” Key stopped, taking a moment to look up at the sky. Night had fallen completely, leaving him to groan loudly in frustration. “Tomorrow!” He shouted, hoping that wherever the brat was, he’d hear him. “For now though… I need my beauty sleep!” Pirouetting with frightening accuracy, Key’s wardrobe transformed into a pastel rose nightgown, rivers of glitter falling from his body as he skipped back into the woods.
Having not dared not even to breathe in his presence, both boys could finally relax. Minho and Taemin crawled out from under the bed, instead opting to lay atop the bedding. The younger clung desperately to his lover, placing a soft kiss to his forehead. The moment needed to be cherished, for he knew it wasn’t to last. “Hyung,” he began, “please stay with me tonight…” He pouted, wishing that just this once, Minho would agree, but the next kiss he received was never an agreement; always a silent request for forgiveness.
“You know I can’t Taemin… Sleep. I’ll be back in the morning.” Kissing the crown of the younger’s head once more, Minho stood from the bed, tucking in the other boy before exiting the humble cabin. As much as he wanted to know, Taemin never asked why. Some things were better kept as secrets, and he was sure if Minho had wanted to share this secret with him, he would have done such a long time ago. … wouldn’t he have? Taemin shut his eyes, the sound of Jonghyun howling lulling him to sleep.
“Yes~” Minho rubbed his hands together. “Tonight is a wonderful night~” basking in the lunar aura, Minho’s body was enveloped in a pillar of flaming charisma so brilliant that a virgin birth suddenly occurred on the other side of the planet. Triplets. All men with diamond-sculpted six packs and hair on their infant chests.
From the body of flames stepped an elegant deer, taking a moment to graze upon the flora before looking to the starry night and prancing about the field. “Dibidibidis~” And with that, Minho jumped over the moon.
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