What a Joke...
((Warnings for language.))
Throughout the page there are random scribbles, inkblots and the handwriting is written in a very sloppy manner.
That was....
Beyond stupidity.
I cannot believe I even witnessed that with my own eyes.
I was walking through Silvermoon last night when I saw one of Illuminati's own Magister's in a heated discussion with two unruly acting orcs. I stayed hidden in the shadows nearby and watched for a few minutes. I do not know what started the altercation, but the orcs were acting fairly rude towards the mage. However, there were no raised voices, no yells, and no obvious signs of violence. Nor was it escalating beyond simple insults. Just the typical rude behavior I've seen time and time again.
I was about to step in and just tell Ithelyna to step back and walk away when one of the members of that new Blood Knight regiment showed up, dressed to the nine's in the fanciest armor I had ever seen. This was the first time I had seen anyone from the last remaining active Blood Knight regiment within the city actually doing anything.
Well. Doing is too kind of a word to even say.
Pfft... they are nothing more then a sad pathetic little joke.
Within three minutes there must have been at least six to eight more knights arrived, all wearing the same flashy decorative armor that was best suited to a funeral or a promotion ceremony then for any sort of combat or active duty.
So, they show up in force to a petty argument that wasn't even escalating into anything worthy of even an arcane guardian's time, and just stood there and did NOTHING.
What the freaking fuck?
They did not ask the Magister for information on what had happened. As a matter of fact, they completely ignored him when he tried to explain the situation. Ignoring a Magister? Strike one.
Then as for the orcs, despite showing up in force they did nothing to encourage the orcs to move along or even so much as to make them offer an apology to Ithelyna. So they were completely ineffectual in every way. Strike two.
Then as they walked off, they gloated on a job well done and talked down about the others who had stopped to see the spectacle as they walked past. Acting like you're better then everyone else and acting no better then the orcs you stopped to "handle". Strike three, you're out.
If this is what the Blood Knights have devolved to... a bunch of flashy show offs who don't even lift a fucking finger and just stand around looking pretty in a uniform that is not even an officially sanctioned Blood Knight uniform...
Then I will gladly personally host a 'Welcome Back' party for a certain former someone if he should ever return and take up his Knight-Lord title again.
((OOC Note: This is based off of IC observations, and not representative of OOC feelings towards others. ))