Storm Art & OOC Update

Jun 05, 2012 09:37

So blah. Wranet is down. I should have posted stories to here though. Fail for laziness on my part!

So here is just a little OOC update on me and my characters, and a new piece of art!

Things lately have been rough. Crimson Illuminati is on a bit of a hiatus because a good chunk of our guild has vanished to other games, burned out, or is just waiting to come back when the expansion releases. I haven't RP'd in-game on any of my Horde characters, aside from a few short stints on my cultist Nivak, since Apophan was killed.

Alliance side however is going much better. I've been hanging out and chilling with Gnomeregan Forever, and I recently began running RP events for theme very Sunday night. With retro raid nights and profession nights and their recently found 15 Minutes of Fame from WoW Insider, the gnomes have been keeping me busy.

I've dabbled a bit recently in Diablo 3 and Skyrim, but always end up back in WoW after the newness of the other games wore off. XD

Work  has been insanely stressful. I've also been doing some graphics work for an online web game I play. So I've really been busy. x___X

Now, for In-Character updates!

Since Linthara had ordered the evacuation from Silvermoon/Eversong, Durdanios has picked up and moved to Dalaran. He is currently residing there with Vyrithel and his adopted children. Vynirin remains deceased. There was talk of him being brought back as a monk in MoP, but with his player loosing WoW for financial reasons it's unknown if that will ever happen.

The Swiftblaze family.. Alastril too has moved out of Eversong and into the Western Plaguelands. He resides in an abandoned farmhouse that he is working on sprucing up, and is reopening his undertaking business to help study and dispose of the remaining undead that remain in the area. His middle brother Tyandrel has moved in with him. Dilerion remains living in Dalaran and still lights what he can on fire.

Kiyokko - I don't really know where Kiyo ended up moving to. My guess is he and Runi decided to remain in Orgrimmar. He's decided to lay as low as physically possible after all the excitement of the death of Apophan

Nivak - He's just chilling Cult side, taking in the sights and sounds of cultdom. I'm still a bit lost on Cult RP so I'm just taking an observers position for the time being.

The Gnomes - Siosil has been happily aiding his fellow gnomes in whatever it is they require aid in, as well as offering insight such as dropping a giant waffle with plague syrup down upon Orgrimmar. Mmm... waffles... Tizzlesparks has remained deep in his studies and has begun to offer tours of various locations to further enhance the intelligence of his fellow gnomes.

And so there are my updates. Now... ART!


Once upon a time, Storm was assigned to Durdanios on his first day on the job as a member of the Blood Knight Order. Someone apparently thought it was funny to give such a short blood elf a massive steed. But the two of them quickly bonded and Storm served as Durdanios' beloved steed for many years. Storm proved not only to be strong and fast, but a true gentle giant and fairly intelligent as well. More then once his actions had saved Durdanios' life.

Such a strong bond the two of them had, that it was ironic that it was because of Storm that Durdanios lost his ability to wield the light and began his transformation from Paladin to Rogue.

Durdanios had been assigned to fight in the Molten Front with Vynirin on behalf of the Crimson Illuminati. However, Linthara did not know that Duo's mental state had not been stable, or perhaps she would have never have sent him. The mind of the small paladin had been battered by mind-rape by the Cult of the Forgotten, hunted by other Cultists, and constantly having to have lived in fear. They were not in the Molten Front more then a day then tragedy struck once again.

Durdanios was mounted upon Storm, battling elementals when one of the massive molten giants swung it's arms, knocking Duo to the ground but sending poor Storm flying across the air and slammed into a rock. Storm was killed instantly as the impact shattered his skull.

The death of his beloved steed was more then Durdanios could bear, and his mind finally snapped. In a fit of insanity he arranged to have Storm's body delivered to Venomspite in Dragoblight, Northrend. Once there, he paid the Forsaken apothecary to ressurect the stallion from the dead.

While Duo's hands did not physically raise Storm, his decision and actions did. And the moment Storm's eyes opened once more and he raised up on partially decomposed legs, the last of the Light left Durdanios permanently.

Duo later regretted doing that to his best friend.. however Storm has not only seemingly forgiven Durdanios, but he seems to enjoy his newly found undead-ness. The arthritis that had begun to set in from old age is gone, and he could run around and play again without all the restriction as his living body place on him.

Today Durdanios and Storm are still inseperable. And despite his gruesome appearance, he still remains the gentle giant he always was. Just as long as you don't mess with the flesh still remaining on his body.

out of character, alastril, vynirin, nivak, kiyokko, vyrithel, crimson illuminati, art, storm, tyandrel, durdanios, dilerion, tizzlesparks, siosil

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