...so anyone who wants anything, leave me messages and I'll try to check. Also, because I won't be around on your birthday...
Happy birthday
lightgatherer! ♥ In advance, hope you don't mind. :x
I'm flying off on a noon flight tomorrow and thanks to Alison I have ToE on the PSP to play! *dances with glee*
Merry Christmas in advance to you all! ^_^
Comments 16
Take pictures! *.*
I... will try? :x Not my forte, but I'll try? ^^;;
Heh. I'm always deathly curious about Other Places. Especially you people who live in Big Cities. >.> I can drive across my city in 15 minutes and I live in the 2nd biggest city in my state. x.x Plus, y'know, Asia. Pretty. And doesn't Bangkok have those, uh, temple-things? >.>;
Oh, hey, if you manage to get up semi-high in the air at some point (or in Singapore works too) see if you can get some decent Cityscapes. One of these days I'm going to overcome my serious intimidation over non-living artwork and attempt to sketch out Meg's Bangkok with the five towers. But me not being anywhere near a big city, makes it a tad hard for the getting of Reference Material. ^^; *dork*
*laugh* Yeah, but we're not going for the sights, so we might not see anything worth taking photos of. I would like to go see the temples, but my family isn't interested. *rolls eyes*
I'll try? The problem with that is that you'd need a real city-scape right? As in, "working offices" kind of city-scape? Housing estate (even the high rise ones) look different.
Also I don't know what to expect in Bangkok. :x I'll try? :D
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