An odd question I know.....

Jan 25, 2009 18:17

But has anyone actually seen my girlfriend this weekend?
Apart from a txt early hours of saturday morning, and a short phonecall last night I haven't seen hide nor hair of Viv all weekend. Nor have her parents.
Needless to say I'm halfway between very annoyed and very concerned.
UPDATE: She's ok.

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Comments 4

girl_onthego January 25 2009, 20:07:50 UTC
I hope everything's ok. :/


kizeesh January 25 2009, 21:20:32 UTC
Well i'm now on the train to Kilmarnock but still no further forwards.


kizeesh January 25 2009, 22:24:27 UTC
Panic averted. She is safe and sound.


(The comment has been removed)

kizeesh January 26 2009, 08:46:11 UTC
Like a Piñata


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