Раз уж меня тут судьбой заносило в Амстердам, я решил зайти в местный ASICS Store и пройти там так называемый Running Ability Measurement Test. Смысл мероприятия в том, что в течение трех часов испытуемый проходит серию разных тестов и получает общую сводку информации по степени своей тренированности, сильным и слабым сторонам и т.п. Попробую
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Comments 9
Quite simply, if a coach prescribes training using the phrase ‘lactate threshold’, the athlete needs to understand what intensity this refers to. If confused terminology is in place, training sessions set as ‘at threshold’ could refer to an intensity we could hold for 3 to 4 hours (the first LT) or one only sustainable for 1 hour (MLSS).
In practise it is almost unheard of for an athlete to have their MLSS identified in an applied setting. Much more useful is to use the concept of the functional threshold power (FTP) as popularised by Coggan and Allen in 'Training and Racing with a power meter', or in the lab by using gas exchange criteria to identify the second threshold (more specifically the respiratory compensation point) during a ramp test.
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