This vid is for Didi
didiackles I hope you like this hun, though knowing you I think you will. It is an emotional brothers vid after all :P *Biggest of hugs* Thanks for being such a great friend :P
For those of you who don't know Didi, she is one of life's genuine people. She always takes time to cheer you up, encourages you when you need a little pick-me-up and she's just one of those people you could go to for anything. I seriously cannot say enough good things about this girl, she's one true friend.
But...she asks for nothing in return. However I couldn't let her birthday pass without some kind of prezzie.
Theme: Supernatural
Title: Give Me a Sign
Music: Breaking Benjamin
Summary: "I can feel you falling away. No longer the lost,
No longer the same. And I can see you starting to break."
Youtube: Click to view