
Jul 27, 2009 22:38

I can say as much; Going for a jog today was both a very good idea, and a really, really bad one.
I think the problem was I hadn't eaten that much for breakfast, and I didn't have any water with me. You see, what happened was, I got home after about 30-45 minutes of running+walking in intervals outside in the rain. I drank one big glass of water, stretched out, and then I jumped in the shower. I was just rinsing out my conditioner when I felt REALLY queezy. Like I was going to faint if I didn't at least sit down. My eyes had spots covering them, and my head just kept spinning. I wasn't able to rinse my hair properly, I just stepped out, grabbed my towel, and tried a bit to sit on the toilet-seat. Still feeling pretty sick I just lied down on the floor, pulling the towel around me. I was afraid to get up, in case I really would find myself fainting and hitting my head on any hard surface in there. Thankfully, I slowly got up, drank a LOT of water from the tap, and I actually managed to get the rest of the conditioner out of my hair

It was all in all a very uncomfortable situation, I'm just glad I got out of it okay. + I actually went out to jog, to prepare me for the next season of Floorball. The intention was honorable!

BTW. I actually got in to the school I applied to! My first choice!
At first I was thrilled and excited about having gotten in, and the fact that I (thought) I wouldn't have to worry about it any more! But now I'm kind of freaking out.. I've never had to start from scratch in a class like that  before. I won't know a single person, and I bet the experience will be both horrific and fantastic. I hope there will be more of the second than the first!

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