Title: Sho Jealous of Sho Pairing: Yama (Ohno x Sho) Rating: PG-13 Genre: fluff, romance Disclaimer: Purely fictional, for entertainment only Summary: Ohno finds a jealous Sho very attractive.
Cute... Jealous Sho is to cute~ > < Me too, I miss Yoshimoto-sensei. His smirk is really great Oh... almost forgot. Happy birthday for our Sakurai Sho. Thank you for sharing ^ - ^
Comments 5
Cute... Jealous Sho is to cute~ > <
Me too, I miss Yoshimoto-sensei. His smirk is really great
Oh... almost forgot. Happy birthday for our Sakurai Sho.
Thank you for sharing ^ - ^
Wow! You're back!!
Yama's so sweet and cute!!!
I find it amusing Sho's jealousy. =3
Now I want to rewatch Kazoku Game x)
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