My hero is my sister Colleen. I sort of follow in her footsteps. Sometimes she is a good influence on me. She played volleyball and softball, and I play volleyball and softbal. She is playing field hockey, which I will probably do too. She is also at mercy right now, which I am positive I want to go there.
My sister, Colleen, is fifteen years old. She is a freshman at Mercy and plays field hocket, volleyball, and softball. She is a couple inches taller than me. She, overall, is a pretty good sister to me.
She is special because she is my older sister and I usually look up to her. She lets me borrow some of her things and sometimes shares with me. Sometimes, she can be a little on the mean side, but that is how older sisters are.
She is a good influence on me, because when she plays sports, sometimes I want to be as talented as her. She helps me on sports like volleyball and softball. She also is a straight A student, which pushes me to try my hardest. She also helps me with my homework if I need it. She never gets in trouble at school or anything, which also is a good influence on me.
Whenever we go on vacation or out somewhere, Colleen and I are usually kind to each other. Since my younger sisters Kylie and Kendall are about the same size and like the same things, it is easier for them to get along with each other. So, it is good when Colleen and I are kind to each other.
A story that I have is when we went to Cape Cod one summer. Colleen was being pretty nice to me. We usually fight a lot so this was good. We went to many places and different beaches. My grandma, grandpa, aunt, uncle, and cousins came with us. My cousins are younger than Colleen and I, so we had no one to hang out with. So she was being really kind and we would go in the water and swim together. That vacation was pretty exciting because I had someone to hang out with.
My sister is unique in many ways. She is really talented at sports, gets really good grades, is helpful, most of the time, and many more. There are times when I don't like her and times when I do. When she turns sixteen and gets her drivers license, it will be much better so she can drive me places. That would be really awesome! When she goes to college I know I will miss her a lot. That is not for a long time, so I know I have awhile before she is gone. There are many, many sisters in the world, and one of them is my older sister. Although there are many, there is only one Colleen Catherine Maxwell.
Pretty sure I found that in Colleen's room and I couldn't stop laughing for approximately 45 minutes.
Is it supposed to be nice or not...I'm confused??
I sort of follow in her footsteps
Sometimes she is a good influence on me.
pretty good sister to me
usually look up to
sometimes shares with me
Sometimes, she can be a little on the mean side
when she plays sports, sometimes I want to be as talented as her ...strikeout queen??
she never gets in trouble at school or anything ...suspended delinquent??
usually kind
pretty nice to me
We usually fight a lot
is helpful, most of the time
There are times when I don't like her