Super Junior { Kibum/Donghae ; 2012 }

Dec 21, 2012 13:10

Originally posted by bonbonte at Super Junior { Kibum/Donghae ; 2012 }
Title: 2012
Fandom: Super Junior
Pairing: Kibum/Donghae
Word count: 388
Rating: PG
Genre: Crack
Summary here Donghae doesn't want to die and Kibum wants him to permanently stop watching Chinese TV.

haebada: i don’t like chop suey
haebada: nor having stomachache
haebada: nor having to deal with an internet connection that goes and dies a lot due to kyuhyunshi downloading warcraft to his new computer and stealing the signal
mubikmik: drink something warm
haebada: nor the fact that we’re going to die next year
haebada: T_T
haebada: i’m boiling water o3o
mubikmik: donghae, we’re not going to die next year
haebada: but but hangeng hyung also thinks so
haebada: we were watching tv a while ago and got scared
haebada: and kyu laughed at us
mubikmik: i laugh at you too
haebada: but kibummie, thousands of birds died in arkansas
haebada: out of nowhere T_T
mubikmik: it’s not out of nowhere, donghae
mubikmik: it’s never out of nowhere
mubikmik: there´s always something
haebada: owo
haebada: they fell in the middle of their flight T_T
mubikmik: and what happened before that? you don’t know if they died because of a retarded effect of something
haebada: you think so?
mubikmik: yes
mubikmik: but maybe penguins will come and attack us
haebada: O_O
haebada: because in 2012 everything will unfreeze, right?
haebada: penguins are cannibals, aren’t they? they eat meat
haebada: T_T are they going to eat us?
mubikmik: no
mubikmik: although you are a fish…
haebada: is that a yes then O_O?
mubikmik: i won’t allow them
mubikmik: i’ll throw broccoli at them before they even try to attack you
haebada: your broccoli from the united states?
mubikmik: the ones i bought last week, yes
haebada: T_T
haebada: you’ll sacrifice them for me?
mubikmik: yes
haebada: you’ll give them for my life even thought you didn’t even give two to teuk hyung for dinner?
mubikmik: yes, donghae
haebada: T_T
mubikmik: nothing will happen to you
haebada: okay, i’ll believe you
mubikmik: good, now can we get back to the part when you show me just how well works the webcam?
mubikmik: donghae, are you there?
haebada: T_T
mubikmik: …
haebada: T_T T_T T_T T_T
mubikmik: what’s wrong?
haebada: hangeng hyung found another 2012 program on tv
mubikmik: … that’s it, i’m taking a plane to china, don’t move
haebada: why? owo
mubikmik: because no one, not even maya aliens, will interrupt our sexy time, understood? i’ll see you in a few hours
haebada: OK WE CAN! ^^

donghae, kibum, kihae

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