It's a great concept and one that has proven beneficial in many areas. Stability arrives when folks have something to lose. Micro-lending gives families something to lose and can thus provide one means for securing stability for a community.
The one downside is when a non recipient of aid gets jealous and wants to take it. Worst case is when it is the government or tribes supported by the government. The folks who lose their sweat equity property have no protection in this case.
Perhaps the watchword here needs to be "Prosperity, but not too much too soon."
Comments 6
Anyway, I'm definitely going to donate some money. I think it's a fantastic idea! :D
The one downside is when a non recipient of aid gets jealous and wants to take it. Worst case is when it is the government or tribes supported by the government. The folks who lose their sweat equity property have no protection in this case.
Perhaps the watchword here needs to be "Prosperity, but not too much too soon."
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