Finn and Access will be coupled one day!

Jul 01, 2007 10:07

Which KKJ character would be your perfect lover?
To Refresh Our Memory About Yourself
Name: Nadia
Gender: Female
Would you like a Male or Female Companion? Male
Original Character Stamp: Yashiro
Strong Points: easy-going, extremely lucky, fun loving.
Weak Points: mischievous, lazy, intentfully rude, picky eater.

What You Look For In a Boy/Girlfriend?
Personality-wise: I would like it if he were fun to be with, but mature when things needed him to be and defiantly like it if he was not one of those guys that likes to look at himself in a mirror or brag about being cool or rich while just having you around to make him look better in any way.
Physical Appearance: Being honest here, I would have to say I would prefer someone really beautiful looking, but really just as long as he doesn't look geeky or is fat, I would be ok with almost him having any other appearance as long as he didn't have his pants half down like most stupid boys do today, cause they think it's cool, when it's not and is really gross.
Describe Your Perfect Date: I don't really know what a perfect date would really be like, but I would have to say it to be like a sleep over with a guy. We would really just watch anime and/or some type of movie with pop, pizza, and popcorn as snack food! and than afterwards maybe some pointless conversation before sleep.

Would you want him/her to be more...
Introverted or Extroverted? Extroverted.
Calm or Energetic? Calm.
Mature or Immature? Mature with a fun side.
Decisive or Indecisive? I would half to say half and half.
Heart-on-His/her-Sleeve or Secretive? Heart on his sleeve, It's hard to guess what a guy is thinking otherwise, it's not like I'm a mind reader and can tell he loves me unless he says it to straight to my face.
Messy or Clean? I wouldn't really mind it if he was a little bit messy with things like cleaning up after himself (guys have to be messy in some way) but I would prefer him to at least keep a clean body, that never smells worse than it should after walking around for half a day or something.

Random Final Thoughts
Put yourself in Maron’s position on the first day in class with Chiaki. How would you react to Chiaki asking you out? I would think he was either crazy, joking around, and/or just asking me cause of some dare, and get up from my desk to move to another.
You and your best friend both have a huge crush on the same guy. Would you go after him or allow your friend to have first dibs? I would most likely let my friend have first dibs, since even if I had a crush on the guy, I would prefer saying single for as long as I could be. I'm not really interested in really dating anyways.

stamped, july theme, access

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