Reincarnated to seal evil... born from darkness...Kaitou Jeanne!

Jul 25, 2005 18:06

Name: Laura

Nickname: Lauralai but that’s only used occasionally and only by my boyfriend

Age: 20

Likes: japanese culture, languages, psychology, philosophy, fictional novels, manga, close friends, orange juice, loose leaf tea, nature, cats, my laptop, cosplay, helping others with something I am knowledgeable about or capable in

Dislikes: people who are condescending, liars, fighting, bureaucracy, being perceived as something I am not, failure, close-mindedness, chocolate

Favourite Jeanne Character: Maron

Why? Her determination, caring, and strength. Plus she seemed like a realistic character I could relate to in some ways.

Did you watch the anime, or read the manga? Or both?! read the manga and watched the first episode of the anime.

Personality traits: rather quiet unless around close friends who I usually talk to for hours, tend to be nice but not overly friendly to people I don’t know well, rather opinionated.

Symbol: maybe a book? my boyfriend commented that I should be symbolized by a cat that’s looking cute while destroying something…

Character: Maybe the serious, smart, quiet one if we are talking stereotypical character types.

Specialties: sewing costumes, discussing/debating things, telling the difference between different brands/kinds of orange juice?

Hobbies: sewing, reading, hiking, bike riding, traveling, taking pictures, playing video games, listening to music, reading manga, watching anime

Three words that describe you: stubborn, shy, picky

Three words that your friends would use to describe you: quiet, caring, cute

What type of people are your friends? generally people who share one or more of my interests, tend to be intelligent and open minded. Back in high school I guess I mostly hung out with the smart kids, and the drama club group.

What would you do for your best friend? always try to be there for them when they needed a friend, be willing to listen always, try to help them in any way possible.

What would you do if you found out your friend lied to you? Or betrayed you? I wouldn’t take it well. After probably getting angry, upset, and crying, I would want to know why and might have trouble trusting that person ever again, depending on the reason. this is of course assuming it was about something important and pertinent to me...

Favourite sports? badminton and volleyball, things I can casually play with friends and family.

Personal Policies/Motto: try to treat others how you would want to be treated, try to be sincere and open, try to have fun while still getting what needs to be done accomplished.

Strong Points: intelligent (to an extent), a good listener, trustworthy, determined, kind, hard-working

Weak Points: too emotional, reliant on others, anti-social, self-centered, take things too seriously, worry too much, am a bit of a control-freak.

Anything else we should know? i feel like I've written a lot already so...

Pictures? At least two, how does that sound? sounds fine... here's 3.
Most recent:

From 2 months ago, me and my boyfriend:

From 4 months ago or so, me and a friend:

Would the mod be interested in affiliating with tanemura_beauty ? It’s a rating community for all of Arina Tanemura’s series including Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne, Full Moon wo Sagashite, Time Stranger Kyoko, Shinshi Doumei Cross, and more.

And of course, if anyone is interested, come join!

It’s not a new community, I’m just hoping to get some new members. : )

miyako, stamped

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