These were the KKM drabbles requested during my drabble/icon
Disclaimers: I am as far as Episode 8.
Title: Trial & Error
Pairing: Wolfram/Yuuri
Word Count: 100
maeritraeRequest: "Can I request....Yuuri and Wolfram's first kiss"
It was all his mother's fault really.. )
Comments 10
Glad you liked them. "Adorable" and "inexperienced" kinda sum Yuuri up, don't they?
Reply, since you said you're still accepting requests: may I ask for a "Silmarillion" drabble? Featuring Glaurung and Turin Turambar having a conversation? Please? 8-)
And it might prove useful to infect you with some other fandoms I'd love to se your talent applied to...hmmmm, just a thought...>:-)
And infection with new fandoms sounds like fun. ^_^
As for FMA, I have up to "Philosopher's Stone", which is episode 8. Don't know where to get the rest, since precious won't play non-EU discs.
Keep this up and you'll have to make me a Gwendal/Gunther icon, maybe with those SD figures, and instead of Gunther running after Yuuri, Gunther running towards Gwendal :P Just a hint though, I don't mean anything by it, I wouldn't dare!
=) But I'm glad you liked the drabbles. I feel Gunther would be so much more interesting if he wasn't crushing on a boy who's young enough to be his grandson probably!
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