Title: Of All the People
kl_shipper1 Characters/Pairings: Kara/Lee
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Summary: Of all the people Kara Thrace could have been stuck with at the end of the worlds, somehow the Gods thought Lee Adama was the right choice for her.
Disclaimer: BSG is not, and will never be mine. I am only playing around with a few characters with this piece of fiction, and no monetary gain is coming from it. It is merely a channel for creativity.
Author's Note: Written for the
Match Game Drabbles challenge over at
no_takebacks. Prompts were "33" and "soap".
Of all the people she could’ve been stuck with at the end of the worlds, the Gods gave Lee Adama to Kara Thrace. She couldn’t figure out why they’d seen her deserving of another Adama, but Kara would take it without complaint. No time for contemplation after that, the claxons sounding and the fleet set to Condition One.
After 238 jumps, Kara knew she felt and looked like crap. Standing under the shower, she let the water and soap wash the grime away. Though she knew they’d fight 90% of the time, she was glad he was with her anyway.