Ok kid, the journal entry started off waay over my head, and not just as little dull (words like "task" and "career fairs" are conversation killers at my table), but you sucked me in with the little drama scene (the 8am call). You are of a world I would last about, oh...jeez....carry the five...2 minutes in.It's like a friggin living Dilbert cartoon.
1) Richard? Have we ever met or should I assume you to be someone I dont know reading up on my life? 2) its true "task" and "career fair" aren't words that get me out of bed every morning thinking "wow life is AWESOME" ...my work life is pretty much dilbert's- a cube farm of frustration and monotony 3) I was unaware I had guest readers...should I be spicing up my journal for your own personal enjoyment? 4) its currently 7:30 and I've already been at work for:30... Till 5... Please excuse my snarkiness...
Comments 2
You are of a world I would last about, oh...jeez....carry the five...2 minutes in.It's like a friggin living Dilbert cartoon.
2) its true "task" and "career fair" aren't words that get me out of bed every morning thinking "wow life is AWESOME" ...my work life is pretty much dilbert's- a cube farm of frustration and monotony
3) I was unaware I had guest readers...should I be spicing up my journal for your own personal enjoyment?
4) its currently 7:30 and I've already been at work for:30... Till 5... Please excuse my snarkiness...
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